Wattpad Original

Original Edition: ◇ Chapter 8 ◇ Sparks ◇

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Lorelei had never played Aces before, but she'd seen the others play enough to know the basic rules of the card game. Even then, Kane sat close, whispering in her ear about how much she should bet each round and which card she should play. Her hair tickled her neck every time, chills chasing each other down her spine. She let him think that he was helping her do so well, but she made her choices in her mind before he could say anything. At least it kept him close.

The longer they played, the more Kane seemed to be loosening up. He always stood so straight, eyes calculating everything and everyone. And smiles? They were like those short bursts of sunlight on cloudy days, warm then cold again. Tonight, however, there was something different about him, something hopeful, something that made her feel bold enough to scoot closer to him on the bench seat. Her heart fluttered when he didn't inch away, the side of his leg flush with hers as they were dealt hand after hand. When Flynn finally won, it felt like it had come too soon.

"Csilla," Flynn said, standing and throwing his cards in the air. "Would you like to dance with a winner?"

A small smile curved at Csilla's lips. She glanced out at the empty space by the guitar band. "But there's no one dancing."

"Then let us be the first," he teased, grabbing both her hands and pulling her along.

"Fine," she said, but the happy tone in her voice didn't match her reluctance.

Lorelei stood and watched the two of them as they made their way to the open floor. Flynn wrapped his hands around Csilla's waist—hers up around his neck. As they swayed to the slow strumming of the guitars, more masked dancers joined them, pairing and filling up the open space.

Kane stood right next to Lorelei, the quiet between them something that Lorelei felt the need to break even though her heart was in her throat.

"Do you..." she started, before she glanced down at the ground. "Do you want to dance?"

Kane sputtered the ale he was drinking. "Dance? Me? I don't dance."

Her stomach sank like a ruined ship. Her cheeks flushed, but she hoped her mask hid most of it.

"Excuse me, Miss Storm," said an unfamiliar voice. She glanced up from the ground to find a stranger in a brown mask that resembled an animal print. His smile was handsome as he asked, "I'd be honored if you'd spare a dance for me."

"Oh," Lorelei said, surprised. She wasn't quite sure how to answer as the one she truly wanted to dance with stood stoic next to her. "I suppose that—"

"We were just about to dance," Kane interrupted. She turned to look at him, noticing his eyes narrow at the man through the holes of his mask.

"Perhaps another time." The stranger bowed slightly before running off to ask someone else.

Lorelei faced Kane and crossed her arms over her chest. She hiked an eyebrow at him. "I thought you said you didn't dance."

"It seems I've suddenly changed my mind," he said, holding out his elbow for her. "Would you like to dance with me, Miss Storm?"

She smiled at him then, and he smiled back just as fully. She wished she could put this moment in a bottle—the first time she'd seen him smile like that. "I'd love to," she answered, wrapping her arm through his. "It was my idea after all."

Kane chuckled and led her the few paces to where everyone danced together. He stopped at the edge and turned to face her, one hand finding hers, the other sliding to her lower back. She rested her other hand on his shoulder, warmth spreading into her from everywhere they met. She swallowed, hoping to calm the beating of her heart, but it was pointless. As they began to slowly sway to the music, she looked up at him to find him already watching her, his usually sharp gunmetal gaze softening.

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