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Original Edition: ◇ Chapter 11 ◇ Return to the Lost Isle ◇

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Kane's temples pounded as he headed to the docks with the dawn.

The only reason he'd been able to sleep when he returned to his chambers was because of the ale he'd had earlier. He'd lost count of how many precisely. He was half-tempted to drink another just to chase off the headache, but he'd rather suffer through it and have a clear mind when setting sail. Everything had to go right after it had gone so wrong.

The docks were still quiet, the capital only beginning to wake up as the sky began to lighten. His heart, however, remained dark.

He blamed himself for what had happened to Lorelei. He probably would until the day he found her. It was still difficult for him to grasp that not even a day ago she was kissing him under the moonlight, their feelings laid bare, and now she was gone. He truly was cursed with the rotten luck of his father. Black spot of a Blackwater. He faltered to a stop where the path met the dock. Grief hung on him, weighing him down like an anchor, but then anger rose again in him, lifting him back up.

He tightened the strap on his shoulder and turned back toward the waiting sea, nearly running into Csilla. Her curls were pulled back from her face, determination curving her brow, lighting her gaze. He noticed the blouse and pants she wore were simple like those she used to wear when she was only a captain. A queen with a ship instead of a crown.

"You're coming after all?" Kane asked her, watching her reaction closely.

"I don't take orders from Lockhart," she responded, gaze forward on the waves that lapped at the dock. "He should remember his place."

"He did make a valid point, you know." Kane knew she didn't want to hear the truth, but she still needed to. "Cerulia doesn't need to lose its queen as well."

"I'm surprised you remember what he even said." Csilla laughed, the sound small, clipped. "You were pretty sloshed last night."

"And I'm still feeling it this morning," Kane said, rubbing at his temple.

"But if anyone is going to be out there looking for Nara and Lorelei, I'm going to be with them."

"Then we will find them," Kane said, holding out his hand to her like he was offering her a deal. She grasped his hand and they shook on it.

"Together," she said.

Their ship rested at the docks, waiting to be taken on another voyage. Men carried crates and rolled barrels up the plank of one ship, its gray sails tucked away.

As they walked toward the plank, Kane glanced down where the tide met the ship, eying the line of silver peeking out of the water. A steel bow ran from the hull all the way across the bottom of the ship, magicked by a witch during the Old War, allowing it to cut through waves and even burgs. Pity such a beautiful ship belonged to someone who couldn't value its worth.

"We're taking the Wavecutter?" Kane asked as Csilla turned to walk up the plank of the ship. "Does Tomas know about this?"

"Not yet," Csilla responded. He jogged up the plank to catch up to her. "But what he doesn't know and won't remember, won't hurt him. This ship is the fastest in the fleet and we'll hoist merchant sails to disguise ourselves, but if anyone recognizes the steel, this ship also has a reputation of being manned by drunks. Fast and inconspicuous is exactly what we need."


It was a four day's sail to the Lost Isle, thanks to the Wavecutter. Kane had never visited the ruins of the ancient city of Alannis, but he'd sailed past it a time or two. To get to the Ruin Witch's home, Csilla told them they would need to row in on the narrow river that cut into the middle of the island. Flynn had insisted on sharing a boat with Csilla since he was the best shot and needed to protect the queen, even though they all knew the truth, while Kane sat in a dinghy with Borne and Arius, who wouldn't keep quiet. All Kane wanted was a moment to think and he clearly wasn't going to get that.

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