xix, off my mind.

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act two, chapter nineteen. off my mind.

olive's listening <3 oliveslistening
chasing pavements — adele
3:45 am
❤️    💬    ♻️

olive woke up suddenly to the music drifting through her mind. she must've fallen asleep with her headphones in — the belting of adele's voice took her breath away just as it always did.

her eyes drifting towards her window, olive got up from her spot on the bed and awakening her cat, inky. he fell back asleep when he realized it was just her. olive approached the window silently.

the lights were off on the opposite side. she grabbed her flashlight that seemed since forever of the last use, and turned it on and off multiple times — something she'd done to get the blonde boy's attention.

a blinking had come from the other side. this, therefore causing olive to stop turning the light on and off. she looked down beneath her. the sound of the window opening took her out of her thoughts.

"olive?" tommy rubbed his eyes. "it's three forty five in the morning. what're you doing up?"

she made eye contact with him. "do you want to have a picnic at the park? i'll bring the food."

tommy looked as though he was actually contemplating it. the boy that olive had been friends with would've said 'no, you suck.' and still would've met her outside.

however, olive was looking at a new boy. someone who she told she loved. and the person looking back at her loved her back. "meet me down in fifteen." tommy smiled, shutting the window.

if olive was going to be honest, she thought he'd say no. so now there really was no plan — what food to bring, and how silent she had to be? this was a death wish.

"fuck me with a chainsaw." olive murmured, putting socks on and bringing a pair of shoes downstairs with her.

"mother fucker," tommy said under his breath, closing the window. he scrambled to get a pair of shoes on — his white converse, nonetheless. "fuck, fuck, fuck."

he said fifteen minutes, but it felt a lot more like fifteen seconds. he rushed off to the bathroom as quiet as he could, and looked upon the different items that sat on the counter.

his hair was a mess, there was a root beer stain on his shirt (nothing a sweatshirt can't fix), and his black sweatpants were fading to grey. wonderful.

fixing his hair in the dark was giving him the same feeling from when he played a video game but only could use voice commands. yeah, lights existed — but if he turned it on, it would wake his parents. if he closed the door, the loud screech would also wake his parents. it was a lose-lose situation.

his breath stank. of course that it was the night where he had about six hundred onion rings. bad timing.

finding a breath spray somewhere, he sprayed it in his mouth and, quite literally, died. IS THIS FUCKING HAND SANITIZER?

tommy squinted and read the label. "FUCK ME!" he whisper-shouted, his mouth dead burning. he spit out multiple times, and turned the faucet on, trying to use water to get rid of the bitter taste.

he crouched over the counter, his eyes tearing up. why is there hand sanitizer in here, anyway?????

after a good five minutes of contemplating every life action he'd ever made, tommy realized there was a place to go, and a girl he really wanted to see.

chewing gum aggressively, tommy made his way downstairs and tripped on the last step. "kill me fucking now."

"someone shoot me in the head," olive whisper shouted, accidentally making a mayo - jelly sandwich. "right now, please."

she made four sandwiches — two peanut butter and jelly, two ham, mayo, and cheese. life had never been more stressful. "son of a — biscuit eater, holy shit stain—"

she brought her finger to her mouth, as if it would help the bleeding that had been rushing out of her index finger. she wondered if tommy was struggling this much, as she grabbed a bandaid from a nearby drawer.

fourteen minutes had gone by. she grabbed a blanket and walked out the door, standing right by her car and watched as tommy approached her.

"we're taking yours?" tommy asked.

"do you want to take your mother's?" olive asked. tommy stayed quiet. "exactly. didn't think so buddy boy. why do you look like you've just shit your pants?"

"i did," tommy said. olive laughed loudly now that she could, being in the car and such. tommy plugged in his phone. "no, i sprayed hand sanitizer into my mouth. what's wrong with your finger?"

"i sliced it off," olive joked back. tommy widened his eyes before she clarified. "joking, oh my god. i cut myself with a knife. this was right after i made a mayo and jelly sandwich."

tommy looked at her disgustedly.

"i made it for you, tommyinnit," she grinned. "but they're all disguised to look the same. you will never know, and you'll live on the edge for the rest of the night."

"you are the most terrifying person i've ever met, olivefromthegarden."

"i try my hardest."

lee !
uh oh what's gonna happen
guys the terrible two have

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