Part 1-He is drunk

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"Shut up,i wasnt even paying attention to the game"

"Sure,whatever u say...Shit,look at the time,i have to go man"

"Dissapear idiot!And be careful,its late"

"I'll be okay bro,chill"he said and touched Leo's inner thigh

Adam closed the door and started running to his house.I felt something weird in my stomach when he touched my leg.I hate it but like it so much,i imagine stuff about him that i shouldnt be thinking off.And its been weeks that im feeling like this.I dont know what it is,maybe a little confusion,i just know that i really like spending time with him.

The next morning came and Leo arrived at school.


L(Leonard):Ay,how are u guys?


J:we re going clubbing tonight,come at my place at 12 am

L:Are u dumb?!We ve got school tomorrow

A:We re not going looser,the school ends in like a week or something,we can hook up with every female alive tonight, and sleep all the morning tomorrow

L:I dont know guys...u know i dont like going out a lot

A:Its not an invite,u re coming with us,stop being a nerd,i have to get to class now bye

J:Me too,see ya dickhead!

Its now 12 am,im waiting outside Jackson's house with the boys.Leo is not here yet,im getting worried,i want him to come.

L:Sorry im late,i didnt know what to wear.
P(Patrick):U didnt know witch dress to choose u little fag*t?

The boys started laughing,but Leo didnt seem to enjoy the joke that much.When they arrived and got in the club,everyone started drinking and making out with strangers.Leo ordered some vodka while watching Adam kissing random girls.It hurted him so bad and he didnt even knew why.The one dring brought the other.

I was drinking and drinking,i was loosing my shit.Every time he touched her body,it felt like a bullet in my heart.And then it hit me.I want him,i want to be her,in his arms.I kept drinking so i can take my mind off what was happening in front of my eyes.After a lot of shots Adam came to me.

A:Leo,u look like shit,what the fuck?!
L:I hate everything *starts crying and huggs him*
A:Wow,okay...umm...lets go to the bathroom...
L:U re the best guy ever Adkins
A:U re drunk Leo
L:I mean it bro!i mean it!

Leo was feeling dizzy,he was drunk.He ran to the toilet and puke.He was crying while Adam was holding his hand and tried to make him feel better."where is your sweater Leo?Im gonna take you home now" the taller boy asked."i dunno,i-"Leo kept throwing up."Im going to find ur sweater.Stay right here"Adam ordered and ran outside.

J:Ay man where have u been?
A:Leo is bad,im gonna drive him to his house,u can help,i cant handle it by my self
J:Nah man,the party here is great,he is a grown up man,he can handle it himself
A:He is a fucking kid Jackson!He didnt want to come at the first place!Fuck off!

Adam went to the bathroom to find Leo laughing."dude,i didnt have a sweater,i just remembered i left it home"he kept laughing while drunk."jesus Leo,come here"

I picked him up and helped him walk outside."im cold" he said with the tiniest voice.I rolled my eyes and gave him my jacket.I wrapped it around him and made sure he was warm and comfy.I held his arm and lead him to where i have parked my motorbike."com'on" i said and started the engine."hold me tight if u dont wanna fall,alright?"i said and made sure he listened to me.He wrapped his long hands around me and murmured:"i already fell".I ignored and started driving,he was resting his head on my neck.The streets where empty and it was really windy outside.He gave me his keys and we entered the house.

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