Part 3 - U gotta dance with me

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Listen to the recomended song when u see this mark for better experience(*)

We walked outside together and layed on a bed sheet we brought from my house."should we listen to some music?"he asked while staring at me."sure" i said."but u gotta dance with me"(*)Adam smiled.Of course i said yes.He put Chiquitita by Abba on his speaker and stood up.He knows i love this song and we both really like old  music,so it was the perfect song.He started lip singing while waiting for me to get up.We were so close to the water,he got in and started dancing."are you coming?" He said while shaking his hips to the rythm.I was really shy,he looked so cool dancing with no fear,he was really feeling himself.He gave me his hand and we started dancing.We both were laughing while jumping in the water.The song was coming to its end."I dont wanna ruin this" he said "what?i cant hear you"i louded."I m afraid im gonna ruin it,but i just gotta do it"he said louder."do what?" I asked and came closer.He grabbed my waist and put his lips on mine.I got so confused.I slowly grabbed his head and kissed him back.I could hear the melody of the final piano solo in my ears.He was kissing me so passionate.I climbed on him and kissed him harder.He held my arse so i wont fall.My stomach was filled with stupid butterflies again.I didnt wanna let him go.

We were kissing!We were actually kissing and he liked it!I was living a dream.His lips on mine,his hands brushing my hair,our noses touching each other's face and this beautiful song in the backround...I wanted this moment to last forever.When the next song started and we stopped kissing he looked at me."do it again".I went in for another kiss but he pulled away."with the song" he said and climped off me.I switched back to Chiquitita and layed down.He came closer and layed next to me."kiss me" Leo ordered.I went in top and started sucking his neck.He was quietly moaning.This really turned me on.i went slower and started kissing his chest."Is that okay?" I asked staring at his ocean eyes.He nodded."please use words,i dont wanna do something that can make u feel uncomfortable" i continiued and waited for his approval."Yes,yes,yes,please do it" Leo wispered.I started licking his nipples.He looked so sensitive.He kept holding my head tight and exhaling.I went lower and got to his belly."No Adam" he looked at me and said."what happened" i asked.

L:I just dont-
A:Oh my god,yeah,im sorry
L:No,its okay
A:Can i still kiss you?
L:U sure can

He put me on top of him.I sat on his lap.It felt so good,i was so horny,i just didnt want to do something more at the moment.I kissed him while he was holding my waist.I layed next to him.He was staring at me."whaat?"i asked laughing."U re really pretty"were his words.I blushed."So are u"i said and looked away."Look at me when u re saying this"he wispered in my ear.I turned around."You are beautiful"i dared to say staring in his gorgeous eyes.He bited his lip."its getting late,i think we should probably go"he smiled and messed my hair.

We arrived at Leo's house.I parked my moto and ran with him inside quickly.I stuck him on the wall.He grabbed my head and kissed me.I wanted him so bad.I picked him up in my hands and stuck him to the wall again.I leaned to his ear and wispered:"say my name".I started kissing his neck.Leo began moaning my name,i was going insane,when he climped down."are u alright?"i asked worried.I really thought i made him uncomfortable."yeah i just got tired,lets sit down for a bit"he replied exhaling

A:Im hungry
L:I didnt say anything(keeps laughing)
A:Cut the bullshit,lets cook something

We started boiling some pasta.I was cutting pesto when he put his hands around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.I smiled.His eyes were closed."i like u a lot"he wispered kinda like singing.I got suprised he said that.I turned around."say that again"i ordered."Damn,i like you Leo" he said and drowned in my hug.He seemed sad and calm,i cant explain it.He was in my hug for some seconds."hey,are you alright?" I asked and tried to look in his eyes."yeah i just like ur hug"he answered.Lord,he is so cute.

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