Part 6 - Im sorry i didnt got enough time to love you

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Listen to the recomended song at the end of the chapter for better experience

A girl my age sat next to me."Do you need a hug?"She asked.She was waiting for someone too.Her eyes were wet,i just knew she felt like shit too.I hugged her tight."Everything is going to be alright"she wispered with a trembling voice.It was dark outside and the hospital was really quiet and empty.We were waiting for minutes.

The girl:I...i am Gabby by the way...
L:Im Leo...
G(Gabby):Who are you waiting for?
L:My boyfriend...His brother beat him up
G:Oh god thats so sorry
L:Who are you waiting for?
G:My mom...She had a heart attack
L:Oh my god...
G:Can i hold your hand?Im really scared...

I grabbed her hand and closed my eyes.The door opened.I was crossing my fingers."What happened doc?"i asked worried."The patient Adam William Evans passed out.Im so sorry for your loss,we tried our best"The doctor said.And in that exact moment i understood i lost everything.I didnt know how to react.Gabby gave me a tight hug,but nothing could make me feel better that moment.The pain i felt eating me inside...My skin was screaming.Nothing could fix that.I got up.My head was empty i walked inside the room to see his dead body..."Can i...?"I asked lost in my thoughts."U have five minutes".The nurse told me and everyone left the room.I put my head on his chest.I was still hoping to feel his heartbeat,like how it felt when we watched a movie,or when i layed on him on the beach.But he was dead.He wasnt here.I started crying again.I wore his necklace.I gave him a kiss on his forehead..."Im sorry i didnt got enough time to love you Adam..."i said and hugged his pale torso."Im gonna miss you so much...May-Maybe in another universe we could be together...I-Im so sorry we didnt got enough time...".Doctors came in."We re very sorry but more patients are waiting,we have to empty the room,you can say the last goodbye if you want...".I held his hand."I would love you so much...I know i would...Im so sorry Adam..." i said inside my pain.They took him away from me.I let his hand go and watched it falling from the wheel bed.A nurse came close to me."The police are waiting for you sir,they want to know everything that happened today..."she said and exhaled.I walked lost to find five cops waiting for me.We got to the police station together.They asked me to tell them everything that happened this horrible night.I explained it perfectly,how his own brother killed him,how his blood is everywhere in this house,how Omar ended the life of the prettiest soul i ve ever met.Some minutes later they got Adam's brother and brought him to the station."Is that him?"They asked me.I confirmed.He had nothing to say.He basically admitted it."It was an accident"were his words."Thank you for your help,we re taking over now"The officer said.I left in the middle of the night.I was so empty.I didnt know what to do.I went to the beach we used to go together.I got inside with my clothes.I started screaming."I LOVED YOU ADAM!I DONT CARE IF ITS TOO SOON BECAUSE U RE NOT HERE NOW!I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN U HOW U SAVED ME.HOW YOU PUT LIGHT IN MY LIFE.HOW YOU SHOWED ME THE WORLD.I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO TELL YOU HOW NERVOUS I WAS WHEN YOU FIRST KISSED ME!I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO KISS YOU AND HUG YOU AGAIN!I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO GO TO THAT GOD DAMN BEACH WITH YOU AGAIN!I WILL NEVER LAY ON YOUR SHOULDER,OR TOUCH YOUR HAIR,YOUR LIPS..."I fell on my knees and screamed so loud my throat was in pain.This was so unfair.I couldnt deal with it.I ran home and made a little boat from sticks and cardboard.I went back to the beach and took a deep breath.I put the little boat in the water.On top of it,a picture of Adam.I wanted to put the necklace too,but i promised to keep it with me,so i will always be able to remember his beautiful world.I set fire on the boat and pushed it away."Ill miss you so much baby...we didnt deserve this..."i wispered and let it go.

2 months later,the court decided that Omar Peter Evans is guilty for murdering his brother.They sent him to the jail for seven years,and the first day he arrived,Leo viseted his boyfriend's murderer.

Leonard:Im not here to talk with you,im just gonna tell you some stuff and leave.Well i made your brother happy,i made him feel free and loved,something you never did.You think the world turns around you.But its not.You killed your little brother with your own,bare hands.And why?Because a boy made him happy.Because a boy gave him the love and care he needed.You couldnt aloud that...And is that because you were jealous?Is that because you never felt loved?Is that because you are a shitty person with no heart?I hate you with all my soul,and i hope you spend your worst years in here.I hope someone beats your ass like you did to your poor little brother.I hope you see his face on your sleep,i hope he haunts you like you did to him.U are a monster Omar,u didnt deserve him.He was too good for you.I really wish you death in here,because you re so selfish and heartless.You stopped Adams heart,and you deserve much worse than the things i wished to you.I hope you fucking die Omar,i really do.

He was crying.I left with a satisfaction,but as i told you earlier...nothing could make me feel better.Its like the puzzle i was talking about.He was just fitting perfectly to me.But if you lose one piece of the will never be completed,nothing will ever be able to complete it,than its own uniqe piece.And my piece was gone,so i knew...i would never be completed again,and nothing would ever be the same.

The next day Adam's funeral took place in a cemetry near the neiborhood.There wasnt much people,only his friends,some classmates,teachers and random friends he had from other schools.Leo got up to give a little speech.

Leonard:Hey everyone,thank you for coming...I wanted to say a few things,i really wish i wasnt in this position right now,but here i am...Adam William Evans was a beautiful person.And he ment a lot to me.Well i was his...I was his boyfriend...Nobody knew until today,exept me,him and his brother...his murderer is a better word.I watched him dying in front of my eyes and i couldnt do anything...(exhales)He didnt deserve any of this,he was just attracted to me,and that caused his life.Being a man,means a lot.Being a man means you are honest,clever,creative,faithful,loyal,real,kind...A man isnt someone that is attracted to women.A man isnt somene who beats his brother till death.Adam was a man.He was beautiful on the inside and on the outside.I would give anything to see his green adorable eyes again...I was in love with him,but we never got the chance to be free.Please accept and love different people,cause at the end of the day we are all humans...and if Omar Evans wasnt homophobic,Adam would be in my hug right now...I will tell everyone his last words and they will be my last words too.Im sorry i didnt got enough time to love you...

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