Part 4 - Is the door locked?

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Adam looked like he was really cold."Come on,lets get in the car"i told him and grabbed his hand.We got in and i opened the air condition so we get warmer.I stopped in a parking and took off the hoodie he gave me.He was looking at me while smiling."Come here" He said and went on the backseat.I followed him and sat on his lap.We began kissing.I was so happy.I thought i would never be able to do that again.He touched my butt.I felt the stupid butterflies again.He pulled me closer and started sucking my neck."Your skin is so soft" he wispered in my ear and kept marking my throat with his kisses.He took off my shirt and  sucked my nipples.I grabbed his head when i saw a person coming closer."GET UP!GET UP!A PERSON!"I louded and tried to act normal.He just passed by without even looking at us.I giggled and looked at his lips.

I kissed him slowly.I grabbed his waist and pulled him closer.He was brushing my hair with his fingers while moving his arse on my crotch.The hour passed and we finally got in the boat.We wemt in our cabin and layed on our beds.We would arrive to the island by the morning.I closed my eyes but Leo couldnt stop moving.He was unable to stay still for a minute."Is everything okay?"I asked.He quickly got up."Take off ur pants Adam"he ordered

A:Wow...I wasnt expecting that
L:Neither did i i just...
A:U re horny right?*naughty smile*
L:Just a little bit...
A:A little bit...So what are u planning on doing if i take off my pants?
L:Im gonna give you my first blowjob

I got really hard when he said that.I really couldnt resist."Shit Leo,look at what u did now".He looked at it kinda proud i can tell."Take it off"he wispered.I got so nervous.This was about to be my first time getting a blowjob by a guy.I was really scared.What if he struggles with it?I know its his first time,what if i do something wrong?What if he doesnt actually want this?What if he doesnt like it?And if he is straight?If it was just a confusion?If my dick is ugly?I was so anxious."are you okay?"He asked and sat next to me."just nervous"i answered with a tremple on my voice."Are u shaking Adam Evans?"he said and laughed."Kinda"i replied."come here"were his words.He took off my shirt."i wanna touch ur body,i wanna make u feel good.I want to see you satisfied..."he was wispering while slowly removing my shorts."the question is,do u want me to do all those things?"."is the door locked?"i asked while putting my head back."it is"was his answer while laying next to me.He put his hand in my underwear. It was cold,i felt something really beautiful when he did that.Leo started giving me a handjob while looking at my face.I wanted to moan so badly but i didnt wanted to make it weird."come on let it out"he said and came closer.I moaned in my pillow then he kissed me,"dont hold it again,its beautiful"he wispered and got on his knees.I took of my boxers,my penis was really hard.I had a huge knot in my throat.He came closer and licked the tip.I looked at the ceiling,being really nervous.He put his mouth in and began giving me the blowjob he promised.He grabbed my hand and slowly put it to his head.I was holding his hair with my fingers."U re doing so good"i encouraged him.His eyes were wet,he seemed really tired.He kept going for some minutes.

A:Im close...
L:Mhm...*takes off shirt*
A:Wha...What are u doing Leo...
L:Do it on me
A:No,i...fuck,i cant hold it,please back up
L:Cum on me Adam

"cum on me Adam" he said and i really couldnt control it anymore."come here"i said while breathing loud and layed his body on the bed.I sat on his belly and wanked for some seconds until i finish.I came in his mouth,it felt so great,however i was afraid that he didnt like it and i just have embarassed my self.I layed next to him.I exhaled.I was really nervous."did you like it?"he asked and looked at me."of course i did Leny...did u?"i continiued."definitely"was what he said and went to the bathroom to wash his mouth.I followed and hugged him from behind.I kissed his neck.He closed his eyes."let me do something for you"i wispered and held his hand all the way to his bed.I layed him down and we started kissing.I had my hands on his waist,when he grabbed them to put them in his arse.I slided my hands in his underwear,his butt was really soft.I rubbed the upper part of his asshole.He moaned really soft in my ear.He sounded confused.I went lower.He took a deep breath."No...Adam..."he said while rubbing his body on mine.What was i supposed to do?Keep touching him or leave him alone?"i.." "what is it Lee?" I asked.He kept kissing me,silently moaning and moving his arse on my body.I was fucking hard,however really confused by his actions."i havent tried it..."he said softly in my ear."What do u mean?" "I ve never tried to..." "OH MY GOD REALLY?" I asked shocked. "Do you want me to..." "yeah...yeah i want u to..."he said with a horny voice while being all over me."Are u clean?"i asked while kissing him." am i supposed to do it...?" "Come here"i said and went to the bathroom with him.I explained Leo how to do it and waited for him in my bed.When he came back he looked at his feet with a shy look."i did it"came out off his mouth.I took a deep breath and pulled him in bed with me.He sat in top of me and started kissing my neck.I licked my fingers and put them in his mouth."suck it"i ordered.Leo salivated them.I rubbed his asshole."put it in"he wispered.I insert a finger in really slow.He let a moan out and exhaled."Are u okay?" I asked."it hurts"he murmured.

A:So u seriously never tried it?
L:Have ya?
A:Yeah,i mean...yes
L:How does it feel?
L:U re red Adam
A:Listen,i can do it to u,im just not sure if im gonna be great at it,its obviously my first time doing it to someone else,but im only gonna do it if u re comfortable with it
L:Is it normal to hurt?
H:I mean...yeah,its ur first time so...
L:Do it
A:Are us sure?

He had his finger inside me this whole time.He slowly took it off and in again.He went in top of me.I was holding his back.He went faster.I felt like there was something inside me all these years and it was finally about to come out.He took off his finger."Turn around"."What?"i asked."Turn around" he said.I sat in all four.I felt his tonge in my asshole."Fuck"i louded in my pillow.He was licking me while fingering my ass.I moaned really loud."I think im gonna..."."Shhh,quiet,there are people here" he said and put his hand in my mouth.I closed my eyes.He twisted his finger inside me and went down to lick me."Cum...cum u idiot..." i heard him murmuring.I felt something coming out of me.Did i just finish?It felt so great.I filled him with my cum.I was still wet when he twisted me around and started giving me a handjob.He leaned down to kiss me.This moment was so passionate.He put his dick on mine and gave us a double wank.My stomach was filled with these dumb butterflies for once more.He was so hot,i couldnt believe this was happening.He started kissing my stomach,then put his mouth on my cock."Fffuck..."i moaned and grabbed his head to put it deeper.It was the first time i was getting a blowjob in my life, it felt so great...I came some minutes after.He literally shallowed it,i wasnt expecting that for sure."im tired"he said while exhaling."im going for a shower..."he continiued."Are u coming or what?".I froze.I followed him.He started wetting his body with warm water."come closer" he said and put his hands really low on my waist.He pulled me closer and started washing my hair."U re really pretty"he wispered and kissed my neck.I was really calm when Adam picked me up and stuck me to the wall.I smiled and kissed him.The door knocked.Adam wore a towel quickly and opened to see who it was.There was an old lady."hey,im sorry for coming here this late,but we keep hearing sounds from ur cabin and it makes it really hard for me and my husband to fell asleep.We would really appreciate it if u could be less loud and im sorry again for annoying u in that beautiful night"she said with a kind voice.It was embaradsing not gonna lie.I felt really bad."im really,really sorry miss,i promise you,me and my partner are going to be quiet from now on"Adam continiued.Lets pose it here.DID HE JUST CALL ME HIS PARTNER??He closed the door and laughed at me.We both layed just with our underwears in my bed.His,was a mess as u can imagine.

We were giggling in his bed." i ur partner now?"He laughed and brushed my hair with his fingers." not asking u gonna ask u somewhere beautiful,tomorrow"i said and kissed his forehead.

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