Part 5 - Are we recreating titanic?

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We woke up with the view of a beautiful sea.It was really early in the morning.I was very excited.We cleaned Adam's bed and went upstairs for a breackfast.When we finished he pulled me to the edge off the boat."Are we recreating titanic or what?" I asked and laughed."no,im asking u to be my boyfriend,u idiot"he said and looked at the floor.We were really close.It was so romantic."Yes,i...i wanna be your boyfriend" i answered and put my arms around his neck.He kissed me...i pushed him away emediatly."there are people here,they re gonna see us"i said suprised."i dont care"He smiled and kissed me again.I felt so alive,kissing the boy im in love with in front of people.They didnt even pay attention to us,they were crew members,but still,the fear was gone,i was just happy in his arms.

We arrived at the island.We walked for some minutes and headed inside the beach house.It was literally next to the beach.We got in,started kissing and threw all of our things to the floor.When we stopped i stretched my body and layed to the sofa."We re gonna have the best summer ever" he screamed and jumped on me."dont forget,im here for some days to get away from my brother" i reminded him."Yes,but u ve got a lot of time to do amazing things with ur boyfriend"Lee said and gave me a blow kiss."U know what i am about to say dont u?"."Lets go to the beach babe"he said and grabbed my hand.We laughed and ran to the beach.He took of his shirt and jumped in the water.I was looking at him proud and happy.I was so lucky to be here.I took off my shirt and hugged him tight.He jumped on me and started kissing me.The sun above our heads,Leo in my hug,his lips on mine...I felt like life had a reason after a long time.I dropped him in the water and started laughing.We spent the whole day to the beach."lets go eat something and get some afternoon sleep,what do u say?"he asked and put my hair away of my face."yeah lets go"i said and kissed him.

We ate lunch and came back home.The freshwashed white bed sheets in the double bed,the cold breeze from the air condition,the tan lines on our bodies...Everything was perfect.He touched my waist and kissed me slowly.The taste of his salty lips on mine...We layed down and cuddled for a bit."i was wondering..."i said and played with his hair."what is it sweetheart?"he continiued.I blushed."Do u want to go on a date with me?Like a proper one...just me and u,next to the sea,eat some nice food,wear preety clothes...What do u say?"i asked nervous.He smiled and looked at my lips."Yeah...i want to go on a date with you"were his words before he kissed me.We slept for some hours.We woke up,the night was slowly coming." going for a shower"Adam said with his sleepy voice."Do u want to come?"."Yeah wait for me..."I said and got up slowly.We entered the shower.I started washing his hair while smiling to him.He was applying body gel to my shoulders.It was such a calming and beautiful moment.We got out to get dressed.He wore a pretty black polo shirt and some jeans.I wore a floral shirt with sorts.We got out.He held my hand proudly and walked with me to the coastal.We found a pretty pasta restaurant and sat next to the beautiful view of the atlantic to enjoy our meal.I was looking in his eyes,i was in the right place.This is how it was supposed to be.Its like when u re makin a puzzle and two pieces fit perfectly together.Thats what i feel around him.We payed,walked to the beach for some minutes and went back to our place directly.

He was so beautiful.I kissed him and threw him on bed.He started taking off my clothes.I shivered.I took off his shirt and kept kissing him while he was in top off me.

We were naked,when i began giving him a blowjob.He pulled me and made me sit on his face.I guess thats what they call 69.It felt really great.He was licking my hole and handing my thighs.I was so horny.I got a little wet when he twisted me around again."Do u want to do it?"he asked exhaling.I stopped breathing.I was really nervous."Ye-Yeah...I want" i said with a knot on my throat." you have..."."Yeah,let".He opened his suitcase and took some condoms and lube.I could hear my heartbeat at this point.He put lube in his hands and started fingering me.It hurt less than the other time."Add another one"i said and shallowed nervously.

A:Are u sure?
L:Yeah,i is it gonna fit otherwise...?

I added a finger.He was quite flexible i can say.I ve made him really wet till now."Should i try-"."yeah do it" he said and looked at the ceiling.I touched the edge of his whole with the tip of my penis."Im going in alright?"i asked and tried to get comfortable."Yes,do it already"he replied and kissed me.I tried to put it in slowly.He moaned.I was so nervous and scared,i didnt want to hurt him.

A:Are u okay?

He started taking it off and on with rythm.It burned like hell but it felt so good.I started moaning his name really loud.He turned me around in all four and went faster.I held the edge off the bed while he was moaning in distance.He took of his dick and spited inside me.He put my hands behind my back and went inside me again.After some minutes,he went really really fast till i could feel his condom feeling with cum.Adam was breathing really loud.He took his dick off and started rubbing my asshole until i cum.We did many rounds...i dont even know how we didnt die.We showered and layed exausted."It was my first time"Adam said looking at the ceiling."WHAT? REALLY?"I asked shoked."Yeah why?"."It was my first time too" i said and smiled.We started laughing.He was so beautiful."U did good" he said and hugged me.We kept laughing,talking and cuddling for minutes.We fell asleep in each other's hug and woke up the next day at noon.

We stayed there for three days.We only had sex once tho,he was really exausted.I had the best time of my life.

We came back after three days.We totally forgot to talk about what we should do with Omar."Are you sure ur brother isnt home?"I asked when we arrived at his place."Yeah,come in"he said and opened the door for me.We started kissing in his couch.I sat on his lap an began moving while he was sucking my neck.Everything was perfect until we heard the door slamming.It was Omar.He was back.I saw Adam's face turning white."RUN LEO"He screamed and tried to leave.His brother catched him and started punching him."LEAVE LEO"He kept shouting,but i couldnt just leave him there.I kicked Omar's leg and tried to run.He pushed me really hard,i fell on the door's handle and hit my back.I couldnt fucking move.Omar dropped his brother on the floor and kept punching him."LEAVE HIM ALONE!"I screamed out of my lungs."HELP!HELP!"I was trying to be heard,but i had no energy.Adam's blood was everywhere,i was sobbing.I couldnt see in front of me,i was in tears."U RE GONNA KILL HIM"I shouted and tried to get closer.When i saw his pale body immovable i lost my mind."WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?"I screamed."CALL AN AMBULENCE"I shouted and pushed him."ADAM!ADAM PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES!".My tears were falling to his bloody face.He wasnt breathing."CALL THE FUCKING AMBULENCE"I screamed again.Omar made a call.He was trembling.I grabbed the phone from his hand"WE NEED AN AMBULENCE,BARTON'S STREET 74!MY BOYFRIEND GOT HIT BY HIS BROTHER,HE IS NOT BREATHING!PLEASE BE QUICK"I said and went close to Adam."We ll be here in five minutes,thank you for calling,please stay calm"a woman voice replied.I blew into Adam's mouth to give him oxygen.I was putting pressure on his chest but nothing was happening.The ambulence came,me and Adam got in.The doctors brought him back before we get to the hospital.I felt a huge relief on my chest"Leo..."He said tired."Yeah!Its me,im here,be patient,everything is going to be alright"i said and exhaled.He put his hand on his pocket and gave me a necklace."Its yours"he said and closed his eyes.It was the necklace he wore every day.He once told me his mom gave it to him,but never said more."NO ADAM!STAY WITH ME"I louded."My mom told me to give it to the girl i would fall in love with,well i fell in love with you so,take it..."He wispered and laughed inside his pain."NO ADAM,NO STAY WITH ME!ADAM!"."Leo,Im sorry i didnt got enough time to love you..."Adam said with a smile.His eyes slowly closed."We re loosing him again!Drive faster!"a nurse louded.I was crying and begging him to stay.I was holding his hand the whole time.We got in the hospital.They quickly took him to a room.I wasnt aloud to be inside.I was so scared and felt so alone...

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