Brat (part 2)

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(Smut at the start)

Gerard scratched down Franks back as the older boy thrusted into him hard, Gerard gasped and moaned loudly turning Frank on even more.

"More daddy, more" Gerard cried out making Frank grunt "daddy's gonna cum baby" he groaned out as he thrusted in harder and faster.

Gerard's moans were loud and high pitched "I wanna cum daddy, please let me cum" he begged making Frank smirk "yeah baby, cum for daddy"

Gerard pumped his erection quickly as Frank thrusted in and out with all he had.

Soon Gerard came all over his stomach and Frank came into the condom.

Frank cleaned them up and then laid down next to Gerard who instantly snuggled into his side "that was amazing daddy" Gerard said as he placed a innocent kiss to a hickey on Franks neck.

Frank ran his fingers through his hair as he pants loudly "fuck yeah it was baby" he whispered before pecking Gerard's lips softly.

It had been a month since they had went on their first date and they had both never been so happy before.

"I was thinking do you wanna go on another date tomorrow baby, we could go out for breakfast" Frank said making Gerard smile "does that mean I can get a waffle stack again" he asked excitedly.

Frank chuckled "of course baby, I'm gonna shower, I really need it" he said but Gerard whined and held onto his wrist "daddy don't go" he said making Frank chuckle "baby boy I have to, daddy's all sweaty and needs to shower"

Gerard sat up "can I come too"

Frank sighs "fine but you better be good" Frank said sternly making Gerard smirk and get out of bed "I'll think about it"

Frank turned around and smirked too "are you gonna disobey me baby boy"

Gerard shrugged his shoulders making Frank wrap his hand around Gerard's throat lightly "are you gonna stop talking back to me, if not you'll be punished"

Gerard whined "ok daddy" he said making Frank smile and let go of Gerard's throat "good boy, now let's get in the shower"


"What do you want for dinner sweetheart" Frank asked as he looked through the fridge, Gerard hummed and sat on the counter "can we have pizza"

Frank sighed "I'm really sorry baby, I'd love to get pizza but I don't have a lot of money left because of my rent" he said making Gerard pout "but I want pizza" he said.

Frank walked over "I can't baby, I've only got 50 dollars to last me for the next two weeks" he said as he put his hands on Gerard's hips.

Gerard pushed Frank away making Frank gasp a little "Gerard stop it" he pleaded but Gerard didn't listen "why won't you buy me pizza"

Frank groaned in annoyance "I already told you, I don't have the money, it's like 15 dollars for a pizza" he explained.

Gerard crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at his lap "I hate you"

Franks eyes widened and his lips parted, that hurt Frank a lot, hearing Gerard say that was very painful.

Because Frank was in love with Gerard.

"D-do you really feel that way" Frank said sadly making Gerard bite his lip nervously.

Gerard stayed silent which made Franks heart break "do you feel that way Gerard" Frank said louder making Gerard look up, his grumpy expression changed to a guilty one "n-no, I-I don't feel like that"

Frank gulps "a-are you sure, you have to be sure Gerard" he said as he stepped a little closer to him "because...I love you a-and if you hate me, then I dunno what to do"

Gerard jumped off the counter and wrapped his arms around Franks ribcage "I love you too, I didn't mean it daddy I promise" Gerard rushed out.

Frank wrapped his arms around Gerard's shoulders "I've never been more scared in my life" Frank whispered making Gerard look up "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you daddy"

Frank shook his head "it's ok baby" Frank said as he caressed Gerard's cheek "why were you scared daddy"

Frank sighed as Gerard's hands slide up to his shoulders, Franks hands moved down to Gerard's waist "because I've never been in love before, I-I thought that the first boy I fell in love with hated me and it made me real sad"

Gerard kissed Franks cheek "I didn't mean to make you sad daddy, I really do love you" he said and he pulled Frank into a hug.

Frank hugged Gerard tight "I love you Gerard Way" he whispered, Gerard smiled before replying "I love you too Frank Iero"

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