Can We Meet

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Gerard had been in a long distance relationship for 2 years but things unfortunately didn't work out, they never met and never had the time to.

So unfortunately the relationship had ended, it had been a year later and Gerard was moving to Florida.

Gerard and Frank let in touch every now and then but they were never as close as they used to be and they never will be.

Gerard had finished moving the last of his boxes into his apartment and smiled "all moved in" he said to himself before he looked around more.


Frank sat in his house and sighed, his fiancé was making dinner "babe, could you go out to the store and get some wine for tonight" James yelled from the kitchen.

Frank stood up and pulled his shoes on "ok I'll be back soon"

With that Frank left the house, he was sure he heard James yelling an 'I love you' as he shut the door but Frank just kept walking.

Frank stopped and sighed as he pulled his phone out, he clocked in Gerard's contact and pressed 'call'

After a couple rings someone picked up "hey Frank, what's up"

Frank smiled, he always smiled when he heard Gerard's voice "hey, I was bored and wanted to talk a little bit"

Gerard nods his head even thought Frank can't see him "well, can I call you back later, I'm kinda moving into my new apartment"

Frank frowned slightly "oh right, did you move back to New York"

Gerard chuckled "no I moved to Florida ya know wanting a change"

Frank eyes widened "holy shit, I moved to Florida 6 months ago"

Gerard bites his lip nervously "oh, that's cool"

Frank grinned "would you like some help moving in"

Gerard looked down at his shoes nervously "I-I don't think your fiancé would like that very much"

Frank sighed "it's just two friends, once helping the other move into his apartment" he said hopefully, Gerard bites his lip before sighing "I'll text you the address"


Frank nervously fiddled with his fingers as he looked at Gerard's front door, he could hear the shuffling inside and he lifted his hand up to knock on the door.

Frank took a deep breath and knocked, he waited for a couple of seconds before he heard a 'come in'

Frank gulped before opening the door, he walked further into the apartment and set eyes on the shirtless black headed man.

Frank gulped as he turned around "oh hey Frank, didn't think you'd get here that fast" he said with a nervous smile.

Frank looks down nervously "yeah, turns out you only like a couple blocks away from me"

Gerard nods his head "so uh, I'm just kinda moving boxes around to specific rooms, just look at the label on the boxes and find the rooms" Gerard said before lifting up a box.

Frank takes off his leather jacket before doing the same.

After 15 minuets everything was in the correct rooms "so would you like a beer or coffee" Gerard asked as he opened the fridge, Frank chuckled "the only think you have unpacked in the fridge"

Gerard chuckled "am I meant to drink cold beer? I think not" he said before taking two out.

Frank chuckled before they sat on the kitchen counter "so, how's you're fiancé"

Frank bites his lip "y-yeah, he's good, we're thinking about uh, a wedding in spring"

Gerard nods his head "sound nice" he replied before taking a sip of his beer.

"So have you got a boyfriend here or something" Frank asked making Gerard sigh "nope"

Frank nods his head awkwardly before biting his lip "why did you move here" Frank asked making Gerard sigh "I don't wanna talk about it"

Frank turned his head "come on you used to tell me everything"

Gerard shakes his head "that was before you broke up with me Frank, it's different now, I can't trust anyone now" he said bluntly making Franks heart hurt "why does it have to be different" Frank asked sadly making Gerard look up at him with teary eyes "because you're not gonna be there to help me with the trauma, you're getting married, I can't trust anyone like I trusted you Frank"

"Trusted? Do you not trust me anymore"

Gerard shrugged "I dunno, what have you told your fiancé, you could have told him all my secrets, then he'd know that I really wasn't good enough for you and that he doesn't have to worry"

Tears burned Franks eyes "they're our secrets Gerard, every one of them, I would tell anyone anything"

Gerard shakes his head "well what does it matter anyway, you're getting married and you don't need me, you can have a happy life"

Frank shakes his head "stop it Gerard"

Gerard shrugged "why should I, you shouldn't have come here Frank, you're engaged to someone who makes you happy, you should be with him right now"

"But he's not you Gerard"

Gerard's eyes widened "w-what"

Frank shakes his head "I've gotta go, I need to do something important" he said before leaving.

Gerard was left confused and his heart was beating fast.


Frank quickly walked into his home "James, come here we've gotta talk"

James walked downstairs and looked at Franm worriedly "what's wrong babe" he asked as he stepped forward to take Franks hand, Frank pulled his hand away.

He looked down at the silver band in his finger before he took it off "I can't marry you James, I'm so sorry but it's not fair on you, none of this is your fault, please don't blame yourself" he said as he put the ring in James hand, Frank pecked James lips one last time before heading for the door.

He opened it and looked at James sadly "I'm sorry" he said before he left the house.

Frank quickly rushed back to Gerard's apartment and knocked frantically on the door.

Gerard opened the door, his eyes were red and his cheeks were tear stained "you're confusing me Frank"

Frank smiled "not for long" he whispered before pressing his lips against Gerard's roughly.

After a couple of seconds Gerard pulled away "stop, Frank you're getting married, we can't do this"

Frank bites his lip "I'm not getting married anymore, I can't get married, I love James but...he's not you, I'm in love with you Gerard it's not fair to him"

Gerard gulped "I ruined it, I shouldn't have moved here"

Frank shakes his head "no Gerard please listen to me, you didn't ruin my engagement, I-I wasn't ready and I wasn't over you, I've thought about you everyday since we met and broke up, you drive me crazy Gerard, I'm so in love with you it hurts"

Gerard gulped as his breathing picked up a little "n-no, no matter what you tell me, it'll always be my fault, I shouldn't have texted you, I shouldn't have moved here, I should have left you alone"

Frank shakes his head "Gerard please listen to me" Frank said desperately as he stood on his tiptoes and put his hands on Gerard's chest "I fucking love you and if I'm not with you then I don't want anyone else"

Gerard gave in and wrapped his arms around Franks waist and burying his head into Franks chest "I love you too Frank"

Franks arms wrapped around Gerard's shoulders tightly "please kiss me"

Gerard nods his head before pulling his head back and smashing his lips against Franks.

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