Bad Past

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Frank was nervous as he walked to the restaurant, Gerard from his math class asked him on a date and he was so exited.

Frank soon saw Gerard waiting for him which made him grin and walk a little faster "hey Gerard"

Gerard looked up and smiled "hey Frank, woah I can't believe you turned up" he said excitedly making Frank chuckle softly "of course I'd come, you're real cute how could I stand you up"

Gerard shrugged "I dunno I've been stood up quite a lot" he said with a small smile.

Frank shrugged "well tonight isn't one of those nights, let's go inside" he said as he took Gerard's hand and lead him inside.

(I'm gonna skip over the whole meal and skip to after)

When they got back outside Gerard held Franks hand tight "do you want me to walk you home" Frank asked making Gerard shake his head "no that's ok, it would be too much effort" he said with a grin.

Frank waved it off "nonsense, I'm gonna walk you home because if I don't I'm gonna be worried all night" he said.

Gerard shrugged and they started the rather short walk to Gerard's house "I had a really nice time tonight Frank"

Frank smiled and squeezed Gerard's hand softly "so did I Gerard"

When they got to Gerard's front door Frank furrowed his eyebrows "we walked for like 5 minuets why did you think it would be too much effort to walk you home" he asked, Gerard shrugged "I guess that's what I've always been told, anyway I enjoy talking with you, do you maybe wanna come in for some coffee"

Frank shrugged "sure why not"

When they got inside Frank smiled as he looked at the pictures on the walls but then frowned when he saw Gerard wasn't in any of them.

"Hey Gee, why aren't you in any of these pictures, I know that's Mikey and I'm assuming those are your parents but where are you" he asked making Gerard chuckle "who do you think takes the pictures, it's ether that or I'm not invited, they're actually on vacation to Italy right now"

Frank furrowed his eyebrows "is Mikey with them"

Gerard sat down on the couch and nods his head.

Frank sat down next to him and out his arm around Gerard's shoulders "how long are they away for"

Gerard shrugged "2 months I think"

Franks eyes widened "2 months!" He exclaimed making Gerard nods his head "yeah they've been for for a week so far, that's why Mikey hasn't been at school"

Frank shakes his head "no, this isn't fair, I'm gonna stay with you until they get back" he said making Gerard shake his head "no no it's ok, I don't mind being here alone, it can be nice sometimes but it can be a little lonely, besides we've only been on one date, why would you wanna stay with me after one date" he asked making Frank take Gerard's hands in his "I wanna have more dates with you Gerard, I wanna be with you, please be my boyfriend"

Gerard grinned and nods his head "yeah, I'd love to Frank" he said excitedly making Frank grin and peck Gerard's lips.

When he pulled away Gerard bites his lip nervously "d-don't feel like y-you have to stick with me, y-you can cheat on me if you want, I-I'll still be your boyfriend as well"

Franks eyebrows furrowed "why would I cheat on you, w-why are you telling me I can cheat on you when we've not even been together for 2 minutes, why would I cheat on you" Frank yelled out, Gerard didn't look startled or dazed by Franks outburst.

Gerard just smiled sadly and shrugged "everyone I've ever been with has cheated on me, s-so of you wanted to then why shoulder you have to keep it a secrete when I said you could" he said sadly.

Franks eyes softened as he saw a tear slide down Gerard's cheek quickly, Franks lips parted as he leaned over and swiped it away with his thumb "n-no Gee, I-I don't wanna cheat on you"

Gerard looked down at his lap and shakily leaned over for his cigarettes that's ere on the table.

Frank watched the shaky boys movements and helps him light the stick.

"F-for years I've always been told that I'm too whine-y and needy, I'm not pretty enough or skinny enough to keep a boyfriend, when I ask people on dates they stand me up a lot and at the end of every date I've been on, you're the only one that offered to walk me home, apparently it's too much effort to walk me home, I'm not worth the extra time, every night I try to figure out what I'm doing wrong in my life, so today I tried my hardest to be the perfect guy but I'm not, I'm not good enough and I never will be"

Gerard started crying softly as Franks arm wrapped around his shoulders tightly "no Gee, no no no, you're so amazing and perfect, I know it might not be much but I've liked you for a really long time and I was always too nervous to ask you out but then you asked me and I was so fucking happy it's unreal"

Gerard sniffles as Frank took Gerard's lit cigarette out his hand and into the ashtray "come here Gerard"

Gerard's arms wrapped around Franks shoulders as he cried softly, Frank laid back and cuddled Gerard tightly.

Gerard sniffles "Ive never been cuddled before" he whispered, Frank played with his hair softly "well you'll be getting loads of cuddling from me Gerard, I promise, I'm gonna treat you like a fucking prince" he said, Gerard smiled softly "this is better than everything I've ever had before, I love this feeling" he whispered.

Frank kissed his cheek softly "I'm glad you feel that way because I feel the exact same way"

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