Chapter 4: The Hellfire Gang

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Logan and Loona were unable to do anything as the gang of imps tied their hands behind their backs, though that didn't stop Loona from growling at them, wanting nothing more than to tear each and every one of them to shreds. The leader of this gang stepped closer, stopping right in front of Logan to take a better look at him.

"Hm, well how the fuck did a damn human end up in hell... alive?" The imp asked with a chuckle.

Logan glanced at Loona for a moment then back at the imp. "Still trying to figure that part out myself." He replied.

The imp chuckled. "Plenty of folk down here will be itching to get their hands on a human," he turned his head to Loona with a creepy grin. "And we've been itching to get our hands on a Hellhound."

Loona bared her teeth at the imp as she growled more violently. "I fucking dare you to try, creep."

The imp chuckled once again. "It'll be pretty easy... we have our ways~" he stated, "but not now, first we need to take you both back to our main hideout, and I might as well explain who we are."

"I already know who you are... a gang of pussies." Loona replied lividly.

The imp ignored her remark and smirked. "I'm Elio, and we fine band of imps... are the Hellfire gang. You crossed onto our territory, and now you're ours... the boss'l be very interested to see you both."

"Hellfire gang... I've heard of you..." Loona mumbled quietly.

"Then you'll know that we're not the kind to let people off lightly." Said Elio with aggression this time. "Boys, let's get em' in the van, and blindfold em'... don't want em' finding out where we're goin'."

The band of imps immediately followed Elio's order and blindfolded Loona and Logan, shoving them out of the old, abandoned house and into the back of a van. Seconds later, the sounds of engines starting up was heard, but most of them sounded like motorcycle engines. It seemed this was also a biker gang. A few seconds of silence passed and finally, Logan felt a nudge on his leg.

"Dog girl?" Logan asked, unable to see who nudged him.

A quiet sigh of relief was heard. "Oh good, they were stupid enough to put us in the same van." She replied. "Logan... when we get out of this I swear... you've gotten us into some deep shit here." She said with clear anger.

That made Logan angry. "I got us into this? I didn't ask to be brought here! I don't even know how I ended up in fucking hell!" He retorted, doing his best not to raise his voice so as not to attract attention from the gang.

Loona growled a little. "Well... you did, and now you got us into shit with the Hellfire gang... they're a big fuckin' deal Y'know."

"You were calling them pussies a few minutes ago." Logan replied with confusion.

Loona sighed. "Well, they are... but that doesn't mean that they aren't the most feared gang in hell..." she mumbled. 

Logan was silent for a moment before letting out his own sigh. "Great." He muttered. "Y'know... I don't even know your name yet." He said, trying to take their minds off the current situation.

There was another moment of silence, clearly from Loona debating whether or not she was going to tell him. "...It's Loona." She mumbled quietly.

Logan nodded. "Nice to meet you."

"Is it...?" Loona replied, slightly amused.

Logan chuckled a little. "No... not really." He said. "I mean... it would be if we met literally any other way."

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