Chapter 7: Hellish Pursuit

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"Keep it steady!" Loona demanded with a raised voice while Logan drove the car they both just stole from the Hellfire gang, they were currently being pursued by the gang, and Loona had had half of her body out of her window while trying to aim a handgun's sights on the motorcycle riders.

"I'm trying!" Logan yelled back with annoyance, trying his best to keep the car still as he drove at its maximum speed to keep a good distance away from their pursuers.

Loona groaned in response, taking in a deep breath and firing a shot, missing the imp rider completely. "Ugh! Fuck this is useless... I'm calling Blitz!" She stated angrily, pulling out her phone.

"And who the fuck is Blitz?!" Logan asked with a raised voice that showed confusion, having to duck a little as shots were fired at them, smashing their rear window.

"... he's my... oh just shut up and keep driving!" Loona demanded as she made the call, holding the phone to her ear.


Blitzø was currently sitting at his desk in his office, playing with his miniature toy horses with a joyful look on his face. But his moment of joy was interrupted when he felt his phone buzzing.

Expecting it to be Stolas, he rolled his eyes and answered the phone. "What?" He asked with a bored voice, holding the phone to his ear.

"BLITZ!" The sudden yell of Loona immediately responded, hurting Blitzø's ears a little from how loud it was. "GET OFF YOUR ASS, WE NEED YOUR HELP!" She yelled with anger, the sound of gunshots being heard in the background.

"Wait, wait, wait... you need my help?" Blitzø asked with clear surprise that Loona was coming to him for help, but he quickly dismissed. "Okay okay, where are you?"

"It looks like... SHIT!" Loona exclaimed just as another window of their car was shot at. "WE'RE GETTING CLOSE TO I.M.P NOW!" She yelled... before the phone hung up.

Blitzø was feeling a lot of emotions right now, the main one being fear... but he quickly dismissed it and raced out of the I.M.P building so he could get to his van and help his daughter as quickly as he could. But one thing crossed his mind... 'what did she mean by 'we'?' He thought to himself.


By now, there were about fifteen motorcycles speeding after Loona and Logan and they showed absolutely no sign of giving up, no matter how hard they tried.

"Shit, where the fuck is he?!" Loona exclaimed with slight worry, knowing this was a very bad situation for them right now.

Logan continued to speed through the streets of Imp city, a scowl permanently drawn on to his face. "We can't just rely on help Loona, we've gotta take matters into our own hands." He stated with a very angry voice, quickly pulling up his hand break and spinning the wheel to the right, drifting around a sharp street corner skillfully which caused a few of the riders to crash out of surprise.

Loona was very clearly surprised by Logan's sudden move and smirked slightly when she saw some of the riders failing to predict his move. "... nice." She mumbled, her cheeks reddening slightly.

Logan wasn't really able to hear Loona's mumble since he was still trying his best to evade their pursuers. He hadn't ever really been in a car chase scenario, but he felt that he was doing surprisingly well.

The riders still pursuing remained hot on their tail, still firing shots at their vehicle. But it didn't seem as though they were trying to capture them any more... they had the full intention to kill now.

Then, one of the imp riders caught up with the car on Loona's side and pulled out a handgun from his thigh holster, immediately pointing it at Loona, but Logan acted fast and turned the car in the imps direction, where Loona immediately stuck her hand out of the window and grabbed the imp by the neck.

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