39.5: Carrot Muffin (Flashback)

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~1 year ago~

"Okito," I called, tapping my feet against his bed.

It was a regular scene. I was over at his house, hogging his bed to myself. Flat on my stomach, flipping through a magazine, I munched on a stash of chips nearby.

Seated on the ground, back against the bed frame, he impassively scanned his school notebook. "Hmm?"

"It says here that it's normal for cats to have eleven fingers." I shoved it towards him. "Crazy, right?"

He hummed again.

"Are you listening?"


Hoisting myself upward, I yanked the helix of his ear.

"Then listen."

He flinched, swatting my hand. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm getting my summer homework done."

"Summer started yesterday."

"Your point?"


"I'll take that as a compliment."

Sighing, I rolled off the end of the mattress. I dipped my head over the edge, cuddling his pillow at my chest.

"Let's go to the fireworks festival."

"I believe I turned you down. A crowd like that isn't my style."

"Fine. I'll find somebody else to go with." I fondled my pockets and surfaced my cell. "Since Satoshi asked me out recently I'm sure he'll gladly take me on a date—"

He snatched my device before I could finish my sentence. His stormy blue eyes reflected timely unease, alongside his forced, yet spiteful smile.

"On second thought, count me in. Sounds like it'll be a blast."

"Yay!" I lurched upright and to the ground. I descended on my knees across from him. "I'll swing by at seven tomorrow to pick you up."

"Shouldn't it be the opposite?"

"Not with you. If I don't come over, you'll never meet me since you'll toil the evening away with schoolwork."

"I won't."

I leaned closer. "Promise?"


"You better keep it. I'm getting my hopes up."

"I will."

"Then, I'll wait for you. I'll be waiting, okay?"

"So cute."

"What did you say?"

"Just that you're going to kill me one of these days."

"From all the physical activity? Lazy bum."

He glanced up from his papers. "You're leaving?"

"I have to meet with someone from the Drama Club." Twisting his doorknob, I groaned, "Miko."

"The girl you're always arguing with?"

Vexation erupted within me like a volcano. "Who does she think she is? Refusing to play the piano for me like she owns the place! So what if the first time we met, I accidentally knocked over the ladder she happened to be standing on? So what if she sprained her wrist and lost her regular position as a result? The great Kotori Teruhashi was entering her future stage! It's her fault for obstructing that!"

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