06-2: Raspberry Lemon Cupcakes

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"What happened?" Koyuki demanded, racing through the crowd and shoving his way to his side. "Is he—"


"Ninsei, what's going on?" he demanded from his underclassman who was crouched nearby. "Why's Sumio—"

A tug on my sleeve ripped me from the chaos currently occuring before me. It was Miko, whose hair was standing up and about.

"I-I'm so sorry, Kotori!"

Sumio's situation blurred into the background. My heart rate spiked like a drill in my chest. I gripped her back.

"Miko, what's going on?"

"Tadakuni." She was out of breath—on the breaking point of guilt. "I accidentally left the bag out and I guess somebody brought it inside—"

"Food poisoning?" Koyuki demanded.

Sumio grunted, loud enough to fill the room. No longer limp, he hauled himself onto his knees, pale complexion shifting to a sickly colour. "S-s-sorry," he moaned. "My st-stomach... I thought they were ch-chocolate..."

My blood ran cold. The world swayed before my eyes.

Koyuki's frantic yelling for somebody to grab water as he helped him up and to the bathroom. Aoi surfacing the dessert I'd brought with me this morning, exposing the blackened lemon slices and raspberries. Others gasping saying they consumed them, only to add they felt sick to their stomachs also.

The chaos that befell the room hit like a storm, one I could only stand in petrified fear as all scornful eyes in the room drenched me in cold sweat.

"Cupcakes? Those are?"

Distorted faces danced across my vision, not syncing up with the whispers reaching my ears.


"...raspberry lemon...?"

"Yeah... right..."

"...poison... us..."


"My stomach...!"

It felt like I'd been stabbed by multiple knives. I plugged my ears, cowering from all the smouldering glares and a still jittering Miko.

"A dessert? Is that girl sane?"


"I-I don't feel so good."

I'm sorry.

"I'm going home," another added, clutching both their stomach and mouth.

I'm so sorry.

Koyuki staggered after returning from the bathroom with Aoi and Hanae. They'd left Sumio to relieve himself. Others ducked outside the cabin excusing they felt nauseas as well.

"I don't want to do this anymore," another whined.

"Is there another toilet?"

"Let me go home already."

The hurt that slapped across Koyuki's face was blatant. It was as if he were watching all his hard work disappear down an invisible drain. But the lump in my throat only thickened the moment his helpless look morphed, and he aimed the nastiest glower I'd ever seen at me.

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