39: Cinnamon Roll

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"Sorry I'm late!" I burst through the front doors and scrambled to kick off my flip-flops. "Time got away from me! Did I miss dinner? Obviously I did!"

After making a pit stop at the bathroom to scrub my hands down, I burst into the kitchen which was in the nearest room. Koyuki was the sole person there, seated at the table and flipping through countless books surrounding him.

Hardly acknowledging how much of a jumble I was—which was a common occurrence at this point—he barely batted an eyelash.

"Everyone went off to their rooms."

My lower lip wobbled. "No... my food."

He sighed. Rising to his feet, he ventured up to the microwave and revealed two plates. He set them down before me.

"Nori couldn't decide what you wanted, so he made us both pizza and pasta. That all right?"

My jaw plummeted—at the glorious sight and also from astonishment. "How did he know?"

"'Cause you're simple-minded."

He flopped back into his chair via the roll of his eyes. I took the spot beside him. Whether I was easy to read or not, Nori had truly blessed me tonight. The saviour of my tummy.

His frown deepened. "More importantly, are you sure you can finish this all?"

I pressed my palms together in prayer. "I have faith in my stomach."

Upon taking my first bite, my tastebuds were taken to heaven. With every nibble of the pizza, I balanced it with a forkful of pasta and vice versa. Each time, I was delivered a punch of happiness.

"Eat more carefully. You're getting sauce all over your face."

How unsightly I was scarfing this down was the least of my worries. "Nori really is the best cook! I can eat his food forever and ever. Maybe I should propose to him right now and make that a reality...!"

His eyebrow twitched.

His thumb swabbed the sauce near my lips. At the unexpected contact, my cheeks heated exponentially, especially when he put it into his mouth, sucking it off.

"Eat cleaner," he murmured. "Or else I'll finish your food myself."

Timidly, I peered up at him. "I'll... do my best."


My pace slowed, alongside my chewing.

"Koyuki, are you fine with watching me eat? Aren't you tired?"

"Not really." He reclined in his chair, lifting the notebook he was previously engrossed in. "I planned on reviewing recipes for the competition anyway."

"Have you narrowed it down?"

"Somewhat." He flashed me a couple of pages. "What do you think?"

I hitched a gasp. "They sound delicious! Can I eat them right now! Pretty please?"

He snorted. "Even though you're already having a meal? Your gluttony knows no bounds."

It really didn't.

"Did you come up with all these yourself?"

I'd posed the question because most of them were handwritten; alterations to pre-existing recipes.

Koyuki shook his head. "Etsu helped with them in some form or another."

My heart sunk to my gut. Regardless of whether he noticed or not, he pointed to two.

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