25: Matcha Roll

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This kind of situation wasn't good for my heart.

First of all, the Cooking Club—the enemies I'd been pursuing since I first decided to become a pastry chef—were scouting somebody right in front of me when all they'd ever given me were derisive scoffs and sneers. Moreover, this somebody that they were recruiting was none other than Nori Yamashiro, the confection-making genius (and playboy) who'd moments ago ran off with me to hide. And to top this all off, I was here firsthand, witnessing this entire occurrence unfold before my eyes.

So many emotions had swelled inside of me, I couldn't even fathom what to do with them. Which, had led to me unappealingly gawping.

Not that those in the Cooking Club even noticed.

"You're not getting away this time," Ryoma said, tapering his eyebrows into a glare.

"I bet I could," Nori said cheekily. "If you do me a favour and look away for about ten seconds, I can guarantee you that I'll be gone—"

"I'm not here to play along, Yamashiro. Frankly, your sense of humour is horrid and I have better ways to spend my time."


He crossed his arms again. "You'll be turning in your club registration form come April, won't you? I'm only here because I wanted to confirm."

Nori couldn't have appeared more discomforted. Although he was receiving the honour I'd yearned for months—admission presented on a silver platter to boot—he didn't want it.

"About that, Fukui..."

"Come on, Yama," Eru said, hands still together. "The high school Cooking Club is supposed to be way more fun that the middle school's. There's more challenges, too. Mimi and Eru are looking forward to it so much. Plus, Fuku told Eru that we can crush our opponents all we want and face no repercussions. Doesn't that sound delightful?"

Nori cast a side eye, mouth twitching. "'Delightful' probably wouldn't be the word I'd use..."

"Don't care. You were never given an option, livestock," Kohmi interjected. "You're becoming my slave and that's final. Show your master loyalty already."

Nori's eyes widened alongside mine.

Ryoma sent her a flat look. "Kohmi, didn't I tell you to sugarcoat your words?"

"Whatever." She slipped her shades back on. "It's the truth, anyway."

Time elapsed, but nothing changed. The Cooking Club members were still cornering Nori with eyes of dissatisfaction. Nori, albeit smiling, remained doused in unease. Then there was me who was as stiff as a statue, watching this all unfold.

"Look," Nori eventually said, primming his mouth. "I can't join."

"'Can't' isn't an excuse," Ryoma pressed.

"I understand that. And I really do have nothing against the Cooking Club. But... it's because..."

Somehow, watching Nori so reluctant to speak left a bad taste in my mouth. I didn't know him, and I had no clue what his reasonings were for wanting to turn them down for this club. However, simply being aware that I could step in to aid him made it that much more difficult not to.

I blocked him off before I could register it.

"He's joining my club."

The shock that administered into each of their faces hit me hard in the chest. Arm extended out, I stared the three in the eye. My legs were literal noodles, extremities jittering, sweat profusely dripping down my forehead. It'd even become difficult to breathe.

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