04: Blueberry Waffles

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"Waffles?" Okito scoffed.

"Waffles," I asserted.

Once again, in the second year hall with ten minutes until the morning bell, Okito's countenance was as bland as ever. The only ounce of normal colour amidst the black and dark brown areas was the white of the butter plopped in the centre, as well as the syrup dripping around it.

My stomach flopped as I took in this morning's failure yet again.

"Blueberry, since I know your arrogant self likes them." Clenching the plate tighter in my hand, I extended it for him to receive. "Try them."

Okito stared down at me, and without a moment of delay, shrugged past me without bothering to look back. "I'd rather not get food poisoning."

His footsteps echoed in the silent hall of piercing stares, each clack of his dress shoes sending a strike of rage through me. Grounding my teeth together, I balled the plate in my fists. I spun around, fuming. But he was already gone, ways into his classroom at the end of the hall.

"That jerk...!" I hissed, stamping my feet on the linoleum. I was frustrated enough to yank at my hair. "Who does he think he is? We started baking around the same time! Just because he's a little bit better and the vice president of the Cooking Club he thinks he can suddenly look down on me?"

The other students loafing around were sure to be gaping at me—I could definitely hear a couple of hushed whispers floating around, questioning my sanity. Though, all had become background noise to me and my flaring nostrils as I manoeuvred my way into my classroom, huffing as I tossed the plate of waffles onto Miko's desk.

"Gouda turned you down again?"

Per usual, she was already present in her seat. The girl always woke up so early.

"One day I really will smack that smug look off his stupid face." I slumped into my chair, propping my cheek on the wood before heaving loudly. "I risked everything for these. My mom nearly killed me this morning."

"I'd also get pretty angry if my daughter managed to burn something every day," Miko reasoned. "Still... you always try your best to impress him but he constantly turns you down. You should give up."

"Never," I said. Without raising my head, I furled my fingers into a fist. "Not until that idiot's on his knees pleading for my desserts."

Miko chuckled. I could hear her lift the plate off her desk, most likely to get a good look at the disaster we were talking about. "Shortcake again?"

My gut wrenched from exasperation.

"They're supposed to be blueberry waffles..."

A beat of silence passed.

Then, "Oh! Yeah, now I can see it! The butter gives it away."

My lower lip quivered. Pouting, I ascended from my desk, eyes slightly watery. "A-are they really not that bad?"

She emitted another laugh, but this time it was rather choked. "Of course... not! You're definitely improving!"

The heaviness in my chest eased out a bit and I hoisted myself even higher. "I was thinking that, too," I told her and quickly wiped my forming tears. "See, it's not all that burnt this time. There's some brown mixed inside. And you can somewhat see where the blueberries are."

"Exactly." Miko bobbed her head as I pointed them out. "If they were a little less crispy and more golden—and didn't actually look like I'd get sick from eating them—I'd gobble them right up."

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