Chapter 3

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When James, Lily, Henry, the Weasley's and Hermione got there they said hello to everyone that was already there and had the kids go upstairs.

When they got upstairs Jade was covered by Hermione and almost on the ground.

"We've been talking about the dementors we heard. It's just out rages! I've looked it up the ministry can't expel you. It's completely unfair! And besides, you go into sixth year so why are they doing it now?"

"Let the girl breath Hermione." Ron said.

"How?" Jade started.

"We heard Sirius and Remus tell your parents what happened." Ron said.

She shook her head and told them to sit down.

When they sat down she told them about the dementor accident.

While they did that Lily and James talked to Dumbledore.

"You sure about this Albus?" James said.

"I'm positive. She needs to know my theory incase it does happen." he said.

"Alright, let's go get her." James said.

"Let's go." Lily said.

"I'll get her." Sirius said.

They nodded and then he headed to his former room and currently Jade's room.

When he got there he knocked on the door.

"Come in." Hermione said.

So he opened the door.

"Jade?" Sirius said.

"Yeah?" she said.

"Me, Remus, your parents and Professor Dumbledore want to talk to you about something." he said.

"Alright, where?" she asked.

"Come with me."

So she followed him and then sat next to him.

Then they hit a silent charm and a locking charm.

"So, what did you want to say?" she asked.

"Something I have a theory of. And if I'm right Severus will be teaching you occlumency when it starts." Dumbledore said.

"Which is what?"

"My theory is that you will have a connection with Voldemort now that he's back."

She sat there in silence.

"Is that it?"

"Yes, that's all. Now we have a meeting to go to." Dumbledore said.

So she headed back to her room. Then the adults headed downstairs.

When the meeting was done some people like Snape left. While they were having dinner they were talking about what happened and what the ministry has been doing.

"This is very, very peculiar.

It seems your hearing in the Ministry is to be before the entire Wizengamot." Arthur said.

"I don't understand. What has the Ministry of Magic got against me?" Jade asked.

"Show her." Moody said.

"She'll find out soon enough." Sirius said.

Jade opened the paper and looked at it.

"He's been attacking Dumbledore as well. For is some people don't believe that the Dark Lord has returned. Why? They think Dumbledore's after the minister's job." Sirius said.

"No one in their right mind could believe that..." she started.

"Exactly the point. Fudge isn't in his right mind. It's been twisted and warped by fear. But he believes you, thankfully. Now, fear makes people do terrible things, Jade. The last time Voldemort gained power... he almost destroyed everything we hold most dear. Now he's returned, and I'm afraid the minister will do almost anything... to avoid facing that terrifying truth. We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again. Fourteen years ago, he had huge numbers at his command. And not just witches and wizards, but all manner of dark creatures. He's been recruiting heavily, and we've been attempting to do the same. But gathering followers isn't the only thing he's interested in." Remus said.

"We believe... Voldemort may be after something." Sirius started.

"Sirius." Moody said.

"Something he didn't have last time."

"You mean like a weapon?" Jade asked.

"No. That's enough. She's just a girl. You say more and you might as well induct her into the Order." Molly said and took the paper away.

"Good. I want to join. If Voldemort's raising an army, then I want to fight." Jade said.

Sirius clapped his hands and winked.

Jade smiled.

"Alright, why don't you two go head off to bed. Henry one of the guest rooms as usual." Lily said.

So they said good night to everyone and headed to bed.

While she slept Jade kept hearing the same thing.

Jade. You are hereby expelled. Before the entire Wizengamot.

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