Chapter 23

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Two weeks have past since Trevor tried to abduct my mother. I have finally been able to get my cast off. There still no luck with finding Trevor and because of my mother constant need to embarrass me about my sex life. Ezra and I have taken to sneaking around to get it in. She even asked if he soundproofed his room.

We had just finished showering from our training when we heard arguing. I throw on some Nike leggings and a top while Ezra puts on some Nike joggers. We spot my mom coming out of her room. It's ok Ms. Lauren just stay in your room for now he says as we run downstairs to the commotion.

Luke and Marco are about to fight and guess who's standing in the corner smiling no laughing. Whitney

What the fuck is she doing back in my house Luke.

It's not me Ezra, it's Marco. She's with him!

Marco. Whitney is not allowed in my house.

Why because she's with me? I know your not being judgmental about me dating someone that Luke did. When you have stolen several of my girlfriends Ezra.

I didn't steal your girlfriends Marco. I fucked them and sent them back to you. You say that like you haven't enticed one or two of my conquest into your bed. However that is the past and Whitney here is banned from my property because she disrespected me and my future Donna.

Ezra I had no idea you had claimed this beautiful flower for yourself otherwise I would not have been so incessant about us getting together when we last met.

Ezra looks at me narrowing his eyes.

You met with Marco and didn't tell me. Were you ever going to tell me? Venom dripped from every word.

Just like I thought she's a whore. You dumped my friend for a common slut. Whitney chimes in.

Bitch I'm not for your shit today, so shut your mouth or you bout to catch these hands and this time NO ONE can save you!

Don't change the subject Rae.

What? Really Ez.

Answer me Rae.

It's not like he's saying.

Then how was it.

Chill Ezra, why you handling baby momma like that. Michael says coming into the house.

She was with Marco.

Man, you know that shits not true. Remy is not like that, she only has eyes for you.

She hasn't denied seeing him.

She did see him. She, Luke and I saw him that day we had to go rescue Ms. Lauren. That asshole is the reason why we were so late getting to her he had a death grip on her arm. Saying they should talk get to know each other. Hell I  damn near had to pry his hand off her arm. She kept telling him she wasn't interested and she needed to go but he kept holding on to her. Surprised she wasn't bruised.

You hurt my girl. You put your fucking hands on my girl. Your Cagna culo(bitch ass) touched my girl. I'm a kill you Ezra yells.

Luke stops me. You can't kill him.

The fuck I can't.

It will start an internal war between your dad and uncle. You can't kill him. Bar him from the house just deal with him on business matters but you can not kill him. He hasn't done anything bad enough to justify killing. Yet!

Whitney still has that smirk on her face and says
Bitch this is all your fault. You call me a whore. I'm not the one fucking my way through the family.

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