Chapter 38

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My apologies to the both of you. Judging by your face and the response of your fiancé, you heard with Dominic said. You must understand this is a trying time for my family. Losing its only male heir along with finding out he betrayed his family. This is a lot for him to deal with Please do not take what he said to heart. I hope to see you at the services. She hugs Ezra kissing his cheek before leaving.

Noticing the pure emotion in his face trying to protect him from a public break down. I drag him into what I believe is an empty room.

Ez baby, are you ok? I am so sorry heard what your uncle said about you.

Rae what did I do to make him hate me so much to want to kill me. It can't just be about him wanting to take over. Uncle Dom is right I am an animal. I don't deserve someone like you all I have done is tainted you, corrupted you turned you into a killer. Placed your life in danger. should leave me.

Soon as those words leave his mouth, I slap the shit out of his face. What the fuck is wrong with you, who is this man standing before me now? This is not my Ezra! Whining because your uncle said an inconvenient truth about yourself. Ready to discard me at the drop of a dime. You didn't place my life in danger I did by staying with Trevor. You didn't make me a killer. Marco did when he sent James after me. Why should I leave you I LOVE YOU! Well not this you but the Ezra I met at Nicole's party cockey, sure of himself, the Ezra that took charge at the hospital, the one that saved my mother and I love the animal that you are! Don't you dare let that man make you feel responsible for his sons death or make you feel inferior as if you don't deserve happiness to be loved. You are The Fucking Grimm Reaper You laugh at men like that you kill the weak and devour the strong. Now where is my Grimm!

I'm so sorry, Il mio cuore. I was so much in my head worried about the rift that is now between my Father and Uncle because of this mess Marco created. You are an amazing woman. Thank you for putting everything into perspective for me.
My father was right you are a deadly combination and with you by my side this family will stay on top.

He kisses me we get carried away. He lifting me pressing me against the door. I fist one hand in his silky hair while the other reaches between us toward his belted pants. He trails love bites down to my shoulder reaching the material of my dress he's about to push my top down to reveal my breast when we hear a throat clearing. Forcing us to stop.

Turning our attention to the area of the coughing. We are noticed Vincenzo sitting in a big plush chair with Sophia on his lap.

Realizing that his parents just saw me abuse their son then practically maul him. I'm mortified. Taking in our state of disarray Ezra and I start to right ourselves. Causing his parents to erupt into laughter.

My apologies Mr. and Mrs. Ricci, I thought this room was unoccupied. Ezra and I needed a moment.

Yes we saw. Please come. Have a seat.

(Omg they gonna hate me for slaping Ezra)

Calm yourself child. The anxiety is written all over your face. We are not upset that you struck our son. If Vincenzo had behaved in such a manner I would have stricken him multiple times then walking out leaving him without a word Sophia says.

Son every time I think this young lady couldn't do anything more to impress me she does just that. I can't believe I thought Vanna would make a good match for you. I am truly glad you went out on your own to find your missing piece. She will make a substantial addition to the family.  Vincenzo laughs.

I'm really sorry that we interrupted you. I tell them.

What are you guys doing here in the dark Ezra questions.

After that meeting with your Uncle Dom, your father was stressed. So I was doing for him the same your Rae was doing for you. Offering moral support. In a slightly different way! She smiles as Vincenzo wiggles his eyebrows.

Yuck! Really you two. I could go a life time not needing to hear or knowing that. You guys are nasty.

Hey, nasty is how you got here?

Please! Dad stop.

Why son? We all enjoy the pleasures of life.
Why you're hating on us you need to be concentrating on keeping that one happy.

She's doesn't have any complaints in that department.

Good I was hoping you were blessed in that department. Better chance at supplying me with lots of grand babies.


Sush. We have heard enough from you the only opinion that matters in this discussion is the one of my daughter-in-law. So child how is my son?

Oh my gosh. I stand there like a deer caught in headlights.
(Does she honestly expect me to answer?)
I can't believe I am about to discuss my sex life with my mother in law.

Don't leave me waiting.

He is amazing, with unbelievable stamina. He once made me pass out from multiple organisms. Completely embarrassed, I hurriedly said.

I know you said you wanted to wait until your married but how long after the wedding are you planning waiting to have kids?

I haven't given it any thought we literally just got engaged yesterday afternoon. So I haven't begun planning the wedding.


I gave a Ezra a pleading look begging for help

Mother can Remy an I enjoy being engaged for awhile before you push us down the isle to become husband and wife. I mean she hasn't discussed wedding plans with here mother yet. He stands pulling me up with him. Now if you excuse me I'm going to take my beautiful fiance up to our room and do what you two rudely interrupted. He smiles kissing me and picking me up bridal style.

So now who's being nasty? His father calls after us.

We are but we are young. We're supposed to be nasty. He laughs carrying me out of the room.

We pass Luke on the stairwell in route to our room.

Do you two ever give it a rest. He asks.

Nope. Gotta make up for the year we were apart. Wait before you go there's a little problem I need you to handle.

Sure boss what is it.

The photographer from last night he betrayed Gina. He was supposed to only deliver the pictures to her as a gift to us but he sold our pictures to a magazine we are splashed across the front and through out the damn thing.

Ok. You want him gone?

No. I'm feeling generous today. Destroy all his equipment make him hand over the money, then make it so he can't take any pictures for awhile and take Ricco and Michael with you.

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