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Ashley was in the car. I was so confused. I felt betrayed and upset because she ditched me for Sebastion. I decided to ask her about it later and continue my walk home. The car went our of my view and I sighed heavily knowing Ashley would rather hang out with Sebastion than me. I hoped it didn't make me sound petty because I didn't want my bestfriend to hang out with other people. I honestly didn't care. I just felt hurt she didn't tell me she wasn't going to meet me at my locker so I wouldn't have to walk home.

Speaking of having to walk home it had stated lightly raining. The day couldn't go down hill from here, or atleast I hoped it couldn't. It didn't, luckily the day went as per usual for the most part. I didn't meet with Ashley and Sebastion. One reason was nobody asked and two, it was raining so we couldn't meet at the park anyway. I did my usual routine before going to bed. Tonight not as many thoughts roamed my head but still some. I was ok with that though, even if they made me a little upset.

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It was now Friday everyones favorite day of the week, well atleast for the people I knew. Ashley hadn't mentioned anything about Sebastion and her so I didn't bring it up. She would tell me if it was important, or atleast I hoped she would. She hadn't met me at my locker the previous afternoons or I didn't think she did. I just lef the school and if she did go she didn't mention my absence.

I decided I didn't want to be lonely tonight. I needed to find something to do. I had a great plan so I decided to put it into action. At lunch I sat in my normal seat with Ashley.

"Hey are you busy tonight and tomorrow?" I asked her I was crossing my fingers under the table.

"I don't think so but I'd have to check and make sure. Why do you ask?" She asked giving me a look. I took a deep breathe.

"Well if you weren't busy I was going to ask if we could have a sleepover. But if you are busy it's no big deal." I asked rushed it had been a couple of months since I had a sleepover. Heck since I had a friend over at all. A smile covered Ashleys face.

"That sounds so fun. If we do have a sleepover can it be at your house. I don't know if we'd get much peace at my house y'know."

"I understand. So you can honestly come to my house tonight whenever and leave whenever it's not a problem. I'm so excited." I told her.

"Ok I'll go home and get my clothes and other stuff and come to your house." She said kinda like a question.

"Sounds like a plan." I answered excitedly.

The rest of the day felt like it dragged on forever. Maybe becuase I was so excited.

When the final bell rang at the end of the day I ran out of the classroom and put my stuff in my locker and made my way to the bus. I didn't bother waiting for Ashley. And It was a good thing I didn't. I saw her talking to Sebastion as I walked out of the building. I hoped she wouldn't spend too much tome with him that she'd forget about our plans.

I got off the bus and ran into the house. I decided to clean up a bit so it didn't look like a mess. I picked some things off the floor and put them where they needed to go. That was basically all I did. I decided to eat something when 5 o'clock came around.

I waited for another hour until I finally heard the sound of m doorbell. I assumed it was Ashley so I got up to open the door. And I was correct standing infront of me was Ashley.

She waved her mom off in a familiar car and then walked into the house. I took her to my room and we set down her stuff. It had been a while since she had been in my room so she just observed for a minute.

"I like what you've done to the room," she said after a moment of silence.

"Thanks I tryed," I laughed as my response. "So what do you wanna do?"

"I think I have an idea..."


759 words

Hi friends!! Hope you liked this one. I tryed.

My elbow hurts some child tried to bend it the way it don't bend. So I am in pain and cannot properly move my arm. How fun!

Remember to eat food and drink water. much love! <3

Until next time friends.

The mysterious kid (Reader X Jollibee)Where stories live. Discover now