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"Lila! Watch where your going!" I practically yelled. Lila just shrugged her shoulders feigning innocence. I helped Ashley to her feet. Luckily she hurt her wrist and not her feet so she could skate off the ice fine. I grabbed Sebastion by the wrist and pulled him to the exit. We found Ashleys mom and told her what happened. As soon as we go our skates off we hurridely made our way to the hospital.

We didn't have to be dummys to know it was broke. She fell hard and Lilas push had so much force it could've done a lot more if it was someone else. Ashley couldn't get a cast on yet so she was left with ace wrap and a sling. She would have to go back in a few days to get her cast on. She didn't seemed bothered as much as someone should becuase as soon as we got into the car she started planning what color she wanted.

They dropped me off and my house and I went inside to relax and watch a movie. I got a text from Ashley before I was gonna head downstair.

Really glad it wasn't my right wrist or I would be doomed.

I just laughed at how weirdly Ashley was taking this. Maybe she thought it was an accident? Or she was expecting it. Who knows. All I knew was atleast Ashley wasn't planning some kind of revenge. That would be a lot worse than the current situation. I responded to her message before continuing down to watch a movie.

I watched Wreck it Ralph because its an awesome movie, I ate popcorn and just enjoyed quiet, besides the movie.

My mind couldn't clear itself of its one thought though. How did Ashley know Sebastion. They couldn't be related. Ashley acted all suprised about him when he came to the school. They couldn't have known eachother before. All the puzzle peices in my mid were scattered and I had no idea where they went. I would just have to figure out alone the way.


349 words

IMM SOO SORRY i havent uploaded in a month. I can pretend I was busy but i wasnt. I actually done know what happend. Oh well I am back and this time I swear ill upload more frequent then current situation.

Peace out!

The mysterious kid (Reader X Jollibee)Where stories live. Discover now