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It was around 5:30 in the morning, Y/n grumbled waking up from their bed. Nose is all stuffy from crying and the gound in their eyes from their sleep. "Ugh I don't feel like going to school," they sighed as they rub their face.

Proceeding to the kitchen Y/n started to prepare their breakfast. They hear a door open from the other room, "Y/n.." It was their mother. "Oh good morning mom." Y/n greeted their mother.

Usually their mom wakes up to prepare breakfast but this time Y/n wanted to distract themselves from the events last night. It really felt horrible that they got a lot of hate and lost their friend.

"You're up early, are you alright?" Mom asked, Y/n just smiled and tried to look decent for their mom not to notice. "Yeah just hungry." Y/n aid half-lie. Mom gave them a pat on the back to comfort them.

Not so long after b/n then went out of his room and rushed to the table. "Good morning b/n, your bacon and eggs are almost done!" Y/n chimed.

After breakfast Y/n then proceeded to commute to school with their F/c mask on and second f/c jacket on over their uniform. Y/n was checking on their phone to message Bub. Bub or Gab was their only close friend in school.

The other students in class were merely familiar with each other due to the group activities but are not that close. Y/n usually avoids talking to people especially when they're feeling down or unwell.

Hey bub I'm heading to school early.
You awake?

Jesus its 6 am school starts at 7:30 n/n!

I need you to come early please.


Y/n smiled, Bub was really a true friend they could count on. Ever since they met in Middle school, Bub and Y/n had each other's backs. When Bub got called girly because he came out gay they were there to defend them.


"N/N!" Bub came rushing in the classroom to find Y/n sitting in their chair. "Gab wth slow down." One student from outside exclaimed. "sorry." Bub replied.

"N/n what's wrong? You ok?" Bub said with a concern one, Y/n looked at them and they looked tired. "Whoa what time did you sleep? Are you alright?" Y/n's stuffy nose then was heard by him, "Who the fucked made you cry?!" He said with anger.

"Bub I'm fine its just." They sighed, "Let me explain what happened."



Bub looked furious once I told him everything, "Wait wait wait wait, w a i t." Bub then tried to gather both his thoughts and words. "Ok- You are number one on the speed running leaderboard, congrats by the way.

That means you beat Illumina which is insane, that also means you beat a lot of people and you were only on rank 500 before all of that. You then were not aware about Dream who is the most popular Minecraft YouTuber at the moment and you got hate from the fans."

Bub then took a moment to catch his breathe, "After that Mabeline was a total bitch and just stood there being mean and not even helped you. She even blocked you on socials and kicked you out servers both of you worked hard on. 

You also got raided by your idol and you cried because of that. I got that all right, right?" I nodded at my bestie who got everything. Well almost, I didn't tell him about the kind words a fan sent me because I know he'd be all mushy.

"Well y/n let me tell you this, once you go back online don't mind the hate and negativity. They're all just jealous and they want you to feel like shit." Bub then gave me my favorite candy to cheer me up.

I smiled under my mask and thanked him, "I will thank you Bub for being there for me." I said. "No problem I will be sure to spread the positive words, you do not deserve this hate and drama." 


After a long day of boring school activities, I was finally back in my happy place. I then got all of my courage to stream and be my regular self in my stream.

Got my water bottle filled, my homework is all done all I need is to click the Live button and we're good to go.

"Hey chat! I'm back from school, time for me to grind in my survival." I exclaimed. So far so good no one is being mean at the moment so far the chat is pretty chill like usual. I then heard my alert go off it was a donation.

@username48 has donated $17 dollars!
"Hey Night have you seen your Twitter feed yet?"

After the text to speech bot said that I was taken back a bit, "Oh thank you for the 17 bucks username48! No I haven't been on my Twitter so far maybe I'll check on it later." I then got a message from Bub.

N/n proceed with caution when you enter Twitter.

I took his words in thought and continued to play on my survival world. Minecraft was one of the games that filled my childhood and I have played it for as long as I remembered.  Finally being a Youtuber and Streamer because of it, I'm glad I got to reach my goal.

Its been half an hour and I was done building my new project, I decided to make simple medieval church. I started on the Medieval Project a month ago to make a nice aesthetic for my content.

I then decided to read chat for new ideas to build in the Medieval Project, and boy was that a risky decision.

username301: inn
username302: mill
username303: peasant house
username304: blacksmith 
username305: market
username306: clout bitch
username307: stables

I got intrigued with one word I didn't understand. "chat what's clout?" I asked a loud. That was probably a mistake because chat spammed like crazy.

I decided to google what it meant, "oH"  I paused for a bit. "That's interesting." I then receive another donation from someone.

userbethany has donated $14 dollars!
"Heyo bitch, play bedwars. I bet you suck!"

I was a bit ticked off by this. I have never played bedwars yet, nor do I like pvp. I always stuck to survival or creative. "Oh ok. Let me find a server for bedwars then." I said trying to sound confident.

I then got the server called Hypixel and played a four player versus other 4 player teams. I was in the lobby and everyone looked so confident walking around. I then was teleported to my team in Red, along with 3 other people.

"Ok let's go uhh," I then proceeded to read their usernames. "BigManTommy, Hetchi, and Tubbo_." I exclaimed. The two usernames seemed familiar.

Mistaken Dreamer (Dream SMP x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now