change part 2

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An: so quick psa! I did not write this fanfic bc of the current situation and hate karl is getting rn. I've had this request for a while and I had finally gotten the first part done. Anyway on with the angst.

Tw: cutting, suicidle thoughts, intrusive thoughts

The video was a success. They donated tens of thousands of dollars to charity and cleared out most of the stores.

But something still wasn't right.

Jimmy looked at karl who was walking ahead of them. He seemed to be lost in his one world; and not in a good way.
His eyes were sunken and dull. Karl was also constantly pulling down his sleeves and when ever one of the beast crew members asked he immediately said he was just chilly.

Something was clearly wrong with karl.

"Alright that's a wrap! Good job everyone!" Jimmy smiled to everyone.

Everyone applause and started gathered thier things so they could leave. Karl being the quickest.

"Hey karl can i speak to you for a second?" Jimmy called out before karl could dart out the door. Karl visibly paled.

"U-uhm yeah sure. What seems to be the problem?" Karl replied as he slowly walked back towards Jimmy.

"Karl..whats wrong. Don't try and hide it either, something is clearly going on here and what ever it is I want- no need to put an end to it." Jimmy spoke quickly.

To say the least karl was shocked. He had nearly dropped his keys and his jaw was dropped.

Was he really that obvious?

'Don't tell him. You're just a bother. You'll waste his time. '

Karl quickly shut his mouth and clenched his jaw trying to look at the taller.

"Karl..cmon buddy talk to me. I'm always here for you. You know that." Jimmy's demeanor soften as he placed a hand on Karl's shoulder. He was shaking.

Karl's breathe became un even and he stood there shaking holding in the sobs that dared to fall out.

"Karl?" Jimmy looked at him grip softening on his shoulder.

(That shit auto corrected to karp and i lost it)

'If you tell him you'll ruin mr beast everyone will hate you'

"I-its just.." Karl started his voice shaky and high.

"Th-theres some things going on at home a-and i-its just stressful and-" He spoke quickly before racking out a sob.

Jimmy quickly pulled him into a hug.

"Its ok karl you don't have to tell me the details if you don't want and the crew will always be here for you ok?" Jimmy said softly; patting Karl's head.

Karl sniffles burying himself deeper into the hug knowing for well he just ruined Jimmy's sweatshirt.



Karl hurt himself again that night.

He wasn't proud of himself at all. Hell, why would he be proud?

"Fuck" Karl whispered under his breath as he sat at in front of his pc with bloody arms.

"I'll have to cancel today's stream.." he sighed as he pulled up Twitter.

'Hey guys! No stream today I'm not feeling that well :[ I'll try streaming next week! Ily guys <3'

"Is that good enough?" He asked himself reading the tweet over and over again.

'Nothing you do will ever be good enough. Kill yourself. You'd be doing a favor for everyone.'

Karl shook his head tears already brimming his eyes. He quickly tweeted out his apology and cleaned up his wounds and went to bed.

He didn't sleep that night.

When karl went to the bathroom the next morning he tried hid best avoiding his reflection but failed miserably. His eyebqgs were very prominent and his skin was pale due to some blood lost.
Luckily he didn't have anything plan so he could just sit in bed all day. But of course everything didn't go as planned.

Right as karl wad a put to drift off to sleep his phone went off.

Groaning he picked it and looked at the notification.

'Hey can we talk in vc? Me and sap wanna talk to you' -quackity


He cursed to himself as he practically fell out of bed; stumbling to his pc and powering it on.

Sapnap and quackiry were already in call waiting so he took a deep breathe before joining.

Quackity quickly cut himself off as he heard the ping.

'Well this was awkward'


"Hey guys what's up?" He asked giddily; cringing at his voice mentally.

"Hi karl. Uhm we were do I say this.." quackity started his voice dying in his throat.

"Say what?" Karl knew what was happening. He knew damn well.

"We're worried about you. Karl you've been so distant lately. And you're always postponing streams." Sapnap blurted his voice softening as he spoke.

"Oh." Was all karl could let out.

He didn't know what to say. He was caught.

"Karl you know we're here for you right? We love you so so much and we care for you alot. I can't i.qgine anything bad happening to you and we want nothing more but happiness for you. So just tell us. What's going on?" Quackity soothed.

"Well-i-uh..shit.." Karl's voice broke .

"I-im sorry. It's just the comments I'm getting are so rude and I just wanted my fans to be happy so I thought maybe that if I changed myself I'd be more entertaining for them-im sorry-i'm rambling again" Karl sobbed ad he wiped his tears onto his sleeve.

"Karl you should never change yourself for anyone. You are perfect for who you are and we love you for you." Quackity spoke quickly.

"Yeah! Fuck those dumb comments. They don't know what they're talking about. Theyre clearly jealous of you and want your looks and humor. Don't let em get to you bud" sapnap added.

Karl smiled weakly. Maybe he did have people who cared for him.

"Thanks guys...I appreciate it alot..I don't know what I'd do without you" Karl said shakily; wiping his remaining tears.

"No problem We're always here for you man" sapnap replied with an evident smile.

"We love you karl"



wow I finally updated! And Holy shit this chapter is so scuffed. Hopefully I'll edit this and make it better but yea

Deal it with it for now <3

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