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Thank you to vintagewanda for the amazing gif


Dean sighed, throwing his weapons back into the secret compartment, as he'd just finished up the case he was on, a rather awful poltergeist in Slidell in The Northshore. He was bone tired but he was determined to get back to his fiancée Simone Dubois. Fiancée? Wasn't that a strange notion. He, Dean Winchester, had a fiancée. They had met about two years ago now; when she was finishing up college with her friend Cassie and the pair had hit it off straight away. When she told him she was a powerful, natural- born witch from a powerful Coven in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Dean didn't care and loved her anyway. Besides, he knew they were different from the witches who got their power by selling their souls to demons.

Although, it had taken Bobby threatening to shoot his father, again, and show him the lore books he had before his father finally came around. Bobby and Sammy had been extremely happy for them, but now his brother was off at college, he'd left a year ago after a rather large fight with their father. Don't get him wrong Dean was happy for his little brother and had tried to stay in contact with Sam despite his father's wishes; but Sam had never picked up his or Simone's calls, despite getting on really well with her. Dean had proposed to Simone just over two months ago when he had taken her out for a romantic meal, and gifted her a bouquet of mixed roses, her favourite flowers. When she had said yes, it felt to Dean:  that he could finally breathe easier for the first time all day. Afterwards, Dean had tried to call Sam and his father to let them know the good news but neither had picked up.

Shaking his head out of his mournful thoughts of missing his brother, Dean started the engine to baby and took off for the homey apartment he and Simone were renting in New Orleans. No matter where he was Dean would always drive straight back home once the case was finished, he wasn't afraid to admit that he loved her or that he missed her while he was away. But now he was concerned as for the last two months Simone had hardly been able to keep anything down and it was scaring him, he didn't want to lose her. After breaking the speed limit by quite a lot, Dean finally arrived at their apartment early the next morning; only to see Simone in her pyjamas pacing up and down their living room, chewing on her thumb anxiously.
"Baby?" Dean asked concerned, dropping his bags by the door startling her as he absentmindedly kicked the door closed.

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