Chapter Seven, Phantom Traveller

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Chapter Seven, The Phantom Traveller

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Chapter Seven, The Phantom Traveller

(December 2nd- December 5th)

The Winchesters had headed to Bobby's after the events of the lake so Amélie could recover from her cold, but she often had nightmares about what happened and woke up screaming causing her Daddy and Grandpa Bobby to charge into her bedroom at his house, thinking she was being attacked. Dean often spent the rest of the night curled on the edge of Amélie's small bed keeping his Princess company and making sure she was safe even if he was stiff afterwards. Dean suddenly woke up when he heard someone walking around downstairs, praying that it was only Sam or Bobby he pressed a kiss to the top of his daughter's forehead smiling as she mumbled in her sleep before drifting back off.
"Love you baby." Dean whispered, reaching under the bed to grab his gun he'd stashed there last night and quietly left the room and made his way downstairs avoiding the creaky steps and almost bumping into Bobby.

Just as they were about to swing into the kitchen with their guns raised, Sam appeared in the doorway holding a cup holder with three coffees and a bottle of orange juice for Amélie.
"Morning sunshines." Sam joked, not bothered by the guns pointing at him.
"You idjit!" Bobby snapped, snatching the coffee Sam held out to him. "We could've killed you! And why do you have to go make such a racket!"
"What time is it?" Dean yawned, snatching the other coffee and following Bobby to the kitchen table where breakfast for the four of them was laid out from a local diner.
"You're welcome. It's about 5:45." Sam replied sarcastically. "Yes, I made sure there were no nuts of any kind." He added, when Dean opened his mouth.

"Just checking." Dean said, shrugging his shoulders. "Gosh where does the day go?" He asked sarcastically, taking a bite of his full English breakfast, Bobby had the same as him, Sam had an omelette and there was a box of coco pops cereal and a bowl on the table for Amélie when she got up.
"Did you get any sleep?" Bobby asked Sam.
"Yeah, I grabbed a couple of hours." Sam replied, tucking into his breakfast.
"Liar, cause I was up at three to get Amélie some water after her nightmare and you were watching a George Foreman infomercial." Dean glared, pointing a sausage at his brother.
"She's still having nightmares?" Sam asked, Bobby and Dean nodded.
"What do you expect after what's happened to her! She's three! And I couldn't protect her!" Dean hissed, trying not to raise his voice and wake up his daughter.

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