Part 28- Moving House

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(Y/n POV)

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(Y/n POV)

Today I woke up without the help of an alarm, and felt the exact opposite of yesterday.

Yesterday I woke up feeling happy and excited but today I woke up knowing that I'll be leaving this house and this room.

This house has been my house for as long as I can remember, I don't remember a lot of my childhood, come to think of it I don't think I can remember any of it.

I quickly got up and went to the bathroom. When I came out my alarm started ringing. After turning it off I went downstairs.

I grabbed a packet of waffles from the cupboard and a bottle of coffee from the fridge before walking out to find Hyunsuk already outside with his car.

I got in. "Hi!" I said as I got in the front.

"Excited for moving?" he said.

"Meh, I'm kinda mixed, excited I'll have my own house but will also miss this one."

Just then Jihoon opened the back of the car and said, "dude I thought it was bros before hoes."

I rolled my eyes. For the last few days I've been packing all my stuff into a loads of boxes so right now my room looks questionable.

I was finished my breakfast by the time we arrived at school, and today we were really early.

I walked into the hallway to find Jennie staring at her phone chewing gum.

"Morning Jennie!" I said, I walked up to her putting my school bag in my locker before I turned around to face her.

"Morning, Y/n you look dead." She said, she handed me a gum, and I took off the wrapping before putting it in my mouth and saying, "well thank for the great compliment, it's just that this week is going to be so busy."

"Plus I'm already tired from yesterday, what makes it even worse is that we will, I mean I will have to move house today!"

"Oh yea, I forgot about that, do you want me to come over and help you?" Said Jennie.

"No it's fine, thanks for the offer though."


I set the last moving box down in my car and looked at it. The whole car (apart from the drivers seat) was filled with boxes and boxes of my belongings.

I walked back up into my room and grabbed my jacket and phone before looking at it one last time.

Well who would have thought that I'd have to move out so early.

I walked downstairs to find my whole family standing out there waiting for me.

Wow did not expect that.

Dad had his arms around mum who looked proud but sad at the same time.

As soon as I came to sight my mum started to lecture me about living by myself.

"Y/n, you must remember to always wash your dishes after you eat not the next day, and don't let Hyunsuk leave his socks everywhere like your dad does and the same goes for you!"

And blah blah blah.

After talking nonstop for minutes she finally finished and gave me a hug followed by my dad kissing my cheeks and the I finally embracing Jihoon and Yuna into a sibling hug.

I pulled back from the hug and mum said, "don't forget we are coming to visit you next week to see how you are getting on!" dad said.

I only nodded afraid that if I opened I mouth I might cry. I waved one last good bye before closing the front door after me.

Opening the door of the car, I got in and sat down. As I pulled out of my house I gave it one last look before I finally turned around the corner and it was out of sight.

Don't be dramatic Y/n, you can come see them anytime, it's not like your moving to America or something.

I arrived only after a few minutes and as I did I was just in time to see Hyunsuk getting out of his car.

He must have just arrived too.

"Oh your here as well!" He said as I got out of the car.

He walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder before kissing my forehead and saying, "cheer up you look so sad."

"I'm just going to miss my family... a lot."

"You'll be fine it's not like you'll never see them again, besides you have me, right?"

"That, if possible just made me felt worse!"

Hyunsuk rolled his eyes and said, "ungrateful!" While I chuckled.

We walked in to find the house pretty bare apart from a sink and a few other stuff.

When we had to move it was all pretty rushed so we haven't really finished decorating the house yet, which me and Hyunsuk was planning to do all weekend.

After glancing around we both walked upstairs. The house had 3 bedrooms and one of them was an en-suite, that was the master bedroom which also excluded a pretty big balcony.

Downstairs had an open living room, a sun room, kitchen and really big garden.

Although the house was pretty small, it was still expensive because the part of it that was decorated was with good materials that weren't cheap plus the fact that me and Hyunsuk was going to go shopping Thais weekend.

"Okay this one is probably the master bedroom," Hyunsuk said. He opened the door closest to the stairs.

"Okay, never mind!" He said, "it's not that one!"

"It'll definitely be this one!" He opens the door beside the one earlier.

"Nope!" He said, he closed the door and walked out again.

"Well, it has to be this one then!" He said, he opened the last door the one furthest away from the stairs.

He walked in and I followed behind him. As soon as I entered the room I ran to the left side and said, "I'm taking this side!"

I sat my phone and jacket down on the bedside beside the bed.

"Okay, I'll take this side then, whatever it takes to make you happy."

After he said that he walked around the room looked at the bathroom and closet while I went for the balcony.

I stared out at the view.

Actually I'm glad that we chose this house it has a great view.

I felt Hyunsuk's arm wrap around my waist.

"What are you doing?" He asked, he placed his his chin on my head.

"Looking at the view." I replied.

We stayed like that for a while until I said, "let's go Hyunsuk, we've got a hell lot of packing to do. The sooner we start the sonner we finish."

With that being said, he let go of my waist and we started to unpack.

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