Chapter 3

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The next day the Missioners and the Marauders were in the Grimauld Place basement for the full moon. Harry and Remus had taken their wolfsbane but they knew Harry wasn't going to be soft this month from his trial tomorrow.

A few minutes later Harry and Remus were Moony and Moony jr., Tracey was Paddy, Ron was Howler, Hermione was Speedy, James was Prongs and Sirius was Padfoot.

They were right about Moony jr. he had a lot of trouble as if he didn't have his wolfsbane. That worried them all. Prongs and Padfoot had to help Paddy, Howler and Speedy this time.

Moony jr. bit all six of them deep. Even though he's protective he got Paddy the worst.

'Come on Prongs jr. try and control yourself.' Prongs thought.

Finally they were done and Harry was out cold from exhaustion.

"Alright, let's get him to Sirius' room as usual and have Lily fix you four up." James said.

"Harry is going to feel awful if he finds out about what he did to them so I really hope Lily can heal them completely." Sirius said.

Then they headed upstairs.

When they got there they saw Lily and to their relief Madam Pomfrey waiting.

The two of them were shocked at what they looked like.

"Harry is stressed out Lily, his wolfsbane was pretty much useless. We could tell he was trying to control himself but still had trouble." Remus said.

"Alright, I'll take care of him and Tracey Poppy can take care of Ron and Hermione. Then we'll take care of you three." she said.

"Alright." James said.

So they got to work and weren't that surprised Harry had trouble controlling himself.

Lily shook her head.

"These two are going to have a few nasty scars. I'll do what I can to hide them. Unless, they're willing to use glamour on them every full moon. I know Harry would be able to do it but I don't know about Tracey." Lily said.

"The other two are the same thing." Madam Pomfrey said.

"I don't want anyone to get suspicious so I'll do it." Tracey said half asleep.

"Me too." Ron said.

"I'll do it." Hermione said.

The three young animagi were exhausted and half asleep.

"Alright, but only during the day, school day and when you're with guests aside from us. At night and home take it off and let them breathe and get more strength back." Lily said.

They nodded then went to get some sleep. James brought Harry to his room while Lily and Madam Pomfrey fixed Sirius and Remus up.

After he put Harry down he went to get healed to.

A week later Lily, James and Tracey took Harry to his

hearing. Tracey and Harry were under glamour as told.

When they got to the phone room James took out some money and put it in.

"Good thing I lived in the Muggle world and remember everything." Lily said.

Harry and Tracey chuckled a little.

When they got there they started to walk to the court room.

"Daily Prophet, ladies and gentlemen. Anybody for Daily Prophet?" the paper man said.

"Morning, James, Lily." Bob said.

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