Chapter 17: the Dream

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We start back up again, neither of us knowing where we're going. I don't feel dizzy anymore but I'm still limping. There are 6 of us left. 4 are careers and then there's us. I still can't believe that I've made it this long into the games. I thought that I would be the first one to die.

I'm still thinking to myself when Caleb stops and puts his arm out to stop me. I breathe quietly and I hear foot steps. I grab a knife and Caleb reaches for his spear. A blonde boy walks out from under a tree but he doesn't know we're there.

The boy sighs then says "I don't need them anyway, I'm going to win the hunger games"

So the careers are splitting up. I still don't know how to treat this situation.

"I'm going to fine those kids from district 9 and I'm going to crush them" the boy says to himself angrily. I look at Caleb and he looks back at me. We both don't know what to do.

Caleb holds his spear up to aim position then throws it straight at the boy.

"Owwwww" the boy screams in pain. He's going to die soon but is still alive. He looks up and sees us. The boy starts to crawl forward towards us. I throw a knife at him while he's weak.

"Owww" he screams again. He keeps inching towards us.

"I... will..." he says angrily. He finally collapses to the ground. We start running in the opposite direction.
Eventually we here a cannon go off.

"That was close"I say to Caleb

"Yeah, well now there's 5 of us left. We have a chance to win"

"Yeah, but we need a plan" I point out

"Ok well we know that the three careers are going to come after us."

"Yeah" I say as I start to yawn. I didn't notice that the sun went down.

"You want to rest?" Caleb asks me

"Yeah thanks" I say. I take my backpack off and pull out the tied up sleeping bag. I lay it down and climb into it. The anthem plays and I see the boys face in the sky. I start to drift into a deep sleep.

I am having a dream, but this one is different then the usual hunger games dreams. The dream starts out with me standing alone in miles on miles of blank whiteness. I keep walking forwards but I see nothing. I start panicking until I hear a voice saying "Kaitlynn, Kaitlynn!!!" I don't know where it's coming from but something about the voice seems so familiar.
I keep turning in circles looking for the voice till I see her. She's saying "Kaitlynn, Kaitlynn" my eyes start to water as I run towards her. I hug her so tight and start sobbing into her arms.
My mom. I see her.
But then she starts to fade away.
",no,no!!!!" I scream as she fades. Then the white turns into the jungle. My heart starts racing as I look around. I start running as fast as I can through the jungle till finally I see a giant tree. A rope is tied to one of the branches. and hanging from the rope is Fawn.
"What" I say as Fawn and the jungle fade away. I'm back into the whiteness. I start to walk around until I find Fawns charm bracelet on the ground. I pick it up and I stare at it.
I hear a roar and I look behind me and see and giant mutant. I run as fast as I can.

I take a huge breath of air as I jerk up. I search through my pockets until I found Fawns charm bracelet. I hold it close to me.

"Are you ok" Caleb asks

"Yeah why don't I take watch and we'll make are plan in the morning.

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