Cat Noir

903 29 9

Key Notes:
y/n - your name

I stare at the cat boy a little longer than I should've. But I couldn't help it, his eyes were captivating and his suit really did outline his body well, not to mention the made him seem mysterious.

"Well hello, it's actually purrfect that you're here," he said.

His voice seems familiar, "do I know you...?"

He gives a shocking look, "I- wha-" he looks around and then drops to the balcony. He was taller than me by 4 inches at the least. "You don't know who I am?"

I felt myself feeling embarrassed? Or maybe awkward...the tension between us was thick. He got so close to me, I think I'm starting to get nervous chills. "I- I'm new to Paris..." I muster to say.

He smirks, turns around, then laughs a little, "I'm Cat Noir." He turns back, still having that smirk, "I'm a hero of Paris."

I bit the bottom of my lip a little, "so why was it 'purrfect' for me to be here?"

His smirk went away, and he starts to stare at the sunset, "I needed to talk to someone."

"You? A hero of Paris, needs therapy with a stranger?" I said jokingly.

"You never know what someone could be going through under the surface," he smiles weakly.

I understood that smile, "what's up?"

"My father is pretty hard on me...he is going to be working with this girl's mom and her daughter is wonderful so that's a plus side," he looks at me when he says that.

He gives me a soft look and we just stood there, staring at each other in the eye.

"I..I...I'm sorry, who is she? The girl..."

His smile went away, "I can't tell you, it might give you a clue to my identity and my identity must remain a secret."

Idk why I was sad about that, I just met this hero, why did I care if I knew him under the mask?

"Goodbye...until next time." And with that he jumps up onto the roof and leaves.

I walk back inside and put a sweater on. It's 7 pm, it's kinda dark right now. But I have so much on my mind, I need to take a walk.

I write a note just in case my mom wakes up. In the note it says:


I'm going for a walk. Be back soon. Don't worry.


I step out of the room and take the elevator.

{Outside the hotel}

It's chilly out here. I try to distract myself with the events that have happened. Ok so today my mom got a step closer to her ultimate dream. That's good. Uhm...I met a cute boy, who so happens to be the son of my mom's boss though. I slap my forehead. Oh my god, I can't crush on my mom's boss' son!
Unless...NO NO

I walk further, then I see a river. There was a dock with a boat. The boat looks like a pirate ship. I walk over to get a closer look.

"Well hello again."

I turn around fast and trip forward. The mysterious figure caught me. I look up and it was Cat Noir. "You're still out here?" I ask.

He sighs, "yeah I didn't feel like going home."

"I know it's probably hard for you at home, but you need sleep, you should go home."

He gave me an 'are you serious' look, "you're the one out here walking, don't you need sleep too?"

I look up at him and smile, "thanks for caring." I put my head on his shoulder then everything went dark.

🖤Cat Noir's POV🖤

Y/n is so nice, she didn't even know Cat Noir, yet she still listened to me. As I'm thinking of her, I see her. I squint to make sure but I can't really tell. The fog by the river makes it difficult. I jump down behind them, "well hello again", I was so confident it was her. But she got scared and fell towards me when she turned. I catch her. She looks up at me and it was y/n. I smile softly.

She realizes it was me, "you're still out here?"

I sigh, "yeah I didn't feel like going home."

She looks at me with concern in her eyes, "I know it's probably hard for you at home, but you need sleep, you should go home."

I look at her with bewilderment, "you're the one out here walking, don't you need sleep too?"

She gives me a soft smile when she looks at me, "thanks for caring." Then she fell asleep on my shoulder. I smile and blush a little. She was just too cute.

I pull out my baton and extend it. I made way to her hotel room, I lay her in bed. I took off her shoes, her sweater, and I pull the blanket and sheets over her. "goodnight y/n," I whisper gently.

Then I left.

A New Story That Comes to an End // Adrien/Cat Noir x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now