
842 24 11

Key Notes:
y/n - your name
f/c - favorite color
h/c - hair color
e/c - eye color


I open my eyes slowly, the light from the balcony was irritating. I turn around and shut them again.

"OH SHOOT!" I hear.

I shoot straight up in bed, "WHAT WHAT I'M UP!" I rub my eyes and look around. How did I get back to the hotel? The last thing I remember was seeing Cat Noir by the river...

He must've taken me back here. A warm feeling floods my heart and I was taken aback. What is this feeling? Then I remember I have school today.

I see my mom coming through the door and she was rapidly packing. I didn't unpack anything so I just grab my outfit and went to the bathroom.

I slip on a long sleeve, f/c, crop top and slightly baggy, black, ripped jeans, with black high top converse.  I let my hair down, I brush my h/c wavy hair.

I walk out and my mom saw me. "Y/n, the limo is outside for us."

I nod and we left the hotel.

{At the school}

I step out of the limousine and I said bye to my mom. I watch the vehicle drive off. I turn and face the school and I take a deep breathe. As I'm starting to walk, another limousine pulls up behind me. I turn and I see Adrien stepping out.

"Hey Adrien."

"Oh hey y/n!"

We walk up the steps together to a group of people, I didn't know who they were, but I'm assuming they are Adrien's friends. "Hi," I said sheepishly. I don't want to embarrass myself today.

A girl with reddish-brown hair steps forward, "hi, you must be the transfer student! I'm Alya, we should be FRIENDS!"

"Yeah I am, and I would love to be friends."

A boy with a red cap and headphones around his neck steps up next, "what's up dudette! Welcome to Collège Françoise Dupont!"

I laugh, "thanks...bro!"

I turn to see a girl with blueish-black hair. She was staring at Adrien, is this his girlfriend? Alya must've seen my perplexed look because she starts snapping her fingers at the girl.

"Earth to Marinette...Earth to MARINETTE!"

The girl yells and jumps backwards and fell against a red-head boy. I see the boy blushing.

Alya helps the girl up, "Marinette meet the new student..."

The girl looks at me, she has very pretty eyes, her eyes became big and she looks me up and down and starts to walk around me. "OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOU'RE OUTFIT!"

"Oh thanks...for a second I thought you hated it-"

"NO NO, I'm in inspiring fashion designer and your sense of style could help me!"

"I'd love to help you," I give a warm smile.

A blond girl with a lot of makeup walks up. She bats her fake eyelashes and said, "ADRIKINSSSS"

I cover my ears, her voice was very...ouch.

Adrien looks uncomfortable, "oh...hi Chloe." he looks at us for help.

Marinette just blushes while Nino and Alya were goofing off. So I said something. "Hey Chloe, can you see you're making Adrien feel uncomfortable?"

She looks at me with a brow up, "uhm and who are you?" Her tone was very snarky.

I roll my eyes, "I'm y/n, I'm a transfer student, I'm going to be modeling with Adrien and-"

Everyone interrupts me, they start bombarding me with questions.

"Wait what?"
"You a model? HAHA"
"Since when did Adrien have duo shoots?"
"Adrien is she your girlfriend?"
"Y/n when did you guys meet?"
"How did this happen"

"EVERYONE CHILL!" I yell. There was a silence. "Me and Adrien are friends, we just met yesterday, and this will be the first time I model ok?"

Everyone looks at each other than back at me. Alya replies, "ok, I'm sorry y/n, we all are. We just got excited."

"It's ok I understand."

Chloe grunts and storms off to the inside of school. We head over to Mr. Damocles, he was the principal and he gave me my class schedule. Turns out we all had the same homeroom, but the rest were all mix. I have art and English with Marinette and Adrien. I have math with Nino and Adrien, I have history and chemistry with Alya and Adrien. Then there's...fencing with Adrien???

Come to think of it...all my classes are with Adrien?!
"WHY ARE ALL MY CLASSES WITH ADRIEN?!" I cover my mouth fast, I didn't mean to say that out loud.

I look at Adrien and he gave me a sad look. "No no I didn't mean it like that! I just, I'm sorry I got scared that's all!"

He looks at me and smiles, "am I really that scary?" he starts laughing. I sigh in relief.

"No you're not scary, just very cute." I look at him and I caught him blushing, he looks away. Why did he blush?

"We should get to class," he said.

We walk into homeroom and Chloe was standing on the desk. Marinette walks in front of me, "what are you doing Chloe? Get down!"

"No, Mrs.Bustier said I'm in charge while she's gone. It's Chloe's way or get your butt out of my way."

Everyone stares at her and one by one people left the room. I watch in confusion. Was Chloe that bad? I mean yeah she gave off spoiled rich vibes but...Barbie was spoiled and rich but she was nice...

{End of the school day}

It starts to rain, Adrien and I didn't have an umbrella. The water soaks us, some of my baby hairs stuck to my face.

I stand outside with Adrien since I'm going to be living in the same house as him. He said, "Nathalie and my bodyguard will come to pick us up."

We stand in silence for awhile. I shift my sight to him with my head down still. He was looking at me. I blush at the thought of knowing he looks when I'm not looking. The water made his hair damp, it stuck to his face and I like it.

I wonder why him...why does he make me blush? What makes me feel different about him than any other guy? Was it his perfect hair? His beautiful green eyes? Was it his kindness? Maybe it was his cute smile he does. I don't know, I've never loved anyone like that, or even liked anyone like that...

💚Adrien's POV💚

I look at y/n, "Nathalie and my bodyguard will come to pick us up."

She looks at me and then looks back down. Did I say something wrong? I know I'm staring at her, but I couldn't help it. Her e/c eyes were pretty. Even when her hair was soaking wet, I like it still. I admire her and care for her, even though I just met her. I like to spend as much time with her, which should be easy. Now we are under the same roof.

I look down and then back at her. She was blushing a little. I was staring again. But soon the car pulls up and we go home.

A New Story That Comes to an End // Adrien/Cat Noir x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now