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It was around 6 in the morning when my alarm woke me up signaling it was time to get ready for work

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It was around 6 in the morning when my alarm woke me up signaling it was time to get ready for work. I sent Saija a quick good morning text.

Easton: Good morning Saija I just got up, about to head out, don't know if u even up yet but have a good day. Make sure you eat cuz you fr be forgetting to do that shit and I can't wait to see you today

Saija🍫: I'm up Good morning 😊 I'd say have fun at work but its work sooo but if you dontttt have a good day I'll make you feel better when I see you dw and I don't even be forgetting to eat... much lol

Easton: Word? You gonna make me feel better shiiiii i hope I have a bad day👀

Saija🍫: Lmaooo stop playin with me Easton and I aint even mean it like that damn 💀

I laughed while locking my phone. The pep in my step was definitely there, I was over here smiling and shit like im Levi, I was geeked for this date. After taking care of my hygienics I walked out my room expecting to see my mom considering this was supposed to her day off but instead was greeted with CJ, "They needed someone to fill in so they called her", I nodded in response with my eyebrows furrowed, she was pushing herself too hard and didn't give herself time to rest.

"Are you going to work?", "Yeah, when I come back Levi is picking us up and you finna stay with him for a few hours.", "Why? Where you bout to be at?", "You in grown folk business.", I said shaking my head, "Ohhh is this 'I feel like I've known her forever man, she's so beautiful, it dont make no sense'" He attempted to mock me in my voice before laughing as I mugged him, "Man, I ain't even say all that yesterday", "You aint have to, shawty got your emotions on display right now", he said laughing, "Man, whatever nigga, ima get back like 4:30 make sure you ready", he just looked at me without speaking for a few seconds, "Reay for what? I'm goin' to Levi house not the oscars.", "Aight bruh, I'll see you when I see you", I chuckled before heading out the door.

I walked up to Twain's intending to unlock the door only to be greeted with a pink slip on the door reading: Notice of Business Termination, a look of confusion plagued my face before someone called my name, I turned my head to see Leroy Twain Jr, the current owner. "Mr. Twain, what's going on?", he looked at me before sending a sad smile "Easton...You've been with us for a long time and we're thankful that you were apart of our journey but we've reached the end son, we had to throw the towel in", I needed this job, without it I don't know if my family would stay afloat, interrupting my thoughts Mr. Twain spoke,"Easton whatever you're thinking stop it, I've watched you grow into an extraordinary young man these past few years, wherever your journey goes after this I know you'll figure it out and excel, you're smart, it's only a matter of time before you're running things, and I personally can't wait to see you grow into an even better man than you already are." he took his hat off and extended his right hand that stopped between us.

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