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"Do we really have to go back", Skip kissed her teeth asking

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"Do we really have to go back", Skip kissed her teeth asking. It was the weekend before School started again and Kai sent us a message letting us know he had company coming over and expected us home. I guess he wanted to do his favourite pastime, front like we were America's most perfect family. I unfortunately wasn't in the mood to put up a united front considering the cracks in that united front could be evident via the dark bruising against my stomach.

"Cami what do you want us to do, we can't stay here after he said to come home, that'll only make him more pissed off and we'll have to go face to face eventually, and I rather that meeting not be with pent up anger." I frustratedly blew out air. I finally looked over at Camillia to see her sitting on the bed once again with her jaw clenched as she looked at the floor. I sighed before walking over and taking a seat next to her "I just need a little more time to get us out of there safely. Just a little more time Skip, I promise I'll get us out of there, I just need more time", I pleaded, she finally lifted her head allowing me to be met with her eyes that tears were about to be spilled from. I hated seeing her like this.

"Okay", she finally spoke, just as her tears started to flow Janelle came back into the room, "Aight we ready to bust a mov-" her words fell short at the sight of Camilla, "Whoa- what's going on" she asked, her voice laced with concern as she immediately pulled Cami into a hug, she looked at me over Camilla's shoulder silently asking what happened, I sent her an apologetic smile before shrugging, "Just not ready for break to end yet" Skip nervously laughed, "You don't go to class anyways Skip, why you tripping?" she teased, getting an eye roll in return.

"Man, whatever yall know I don't have to be in class to ace them bitchass tests", "Aight Skip, we ready to go?", I finally asked, she responded by nodding. The ride back to our house was calm. It was mostly me and Janelle trying to distract Skip with jokes even though she wasn't sure what we were trying to actually distract Skip from. We eventually pulled up on our street. "You sure you don't want to stay for the thing, J?", I asked, "And sit down by choice for a meal with a bunch of white ass, racist ass cops, hell no, I'm cool off that", "You have the right idea I'd leave too if I had the choice, I'll see you later J", Skip said solemnly, and with that she was gone.

I looked at Janelle only to be meeted with a look in her eye telling me it was time to go before she started asking me questions I wasn't prepared to answer at the moment, "Aight J I'll talk to you la-" the sounds of the car door locking silenced me, I blew out air frustratedly before plastering on a smile and facing her "What can I do for you love?", she squinted her eyes at me before responding, "Saija what the hell is going on?", "What do you mean?" "The fuck you mean what do you mean, Skip aint even one to be emotional and shit and she crying cause she gotta go home,why? The hell goin on in there that she cried about going back to".

I was silent as I fiddled with my sleeve, while looking down, in an attempt to distract myself from the tears threatening to spill. I heard her sigh and lean her head against the head of the seat before she spoke again, "Saija you my sister, you know this, ain't shit in this world I wouldn't do to help you or Skip but I can't help if I don't know you need it or why you need it, so this is me asking you Saija, do you need help?"

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