Chapter 1: Curiosity Killed The Cat You Know?

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The Village

It was a dark night in the village, which was quite normal. The village always felt dull, with broken and poor architecture. Every resident was either paranoid or borderline insane. Cory Tachibana was on his way back to the church where he lived from a visit to possible parents. But deep down, he knew nobody would want him. He was just another orphan, nothing special about him. On his way back Cory stared at Castle Dimitrescu, he always wondered what was inside, and who resided inside. The others in the village were quite afraid of the place, and he always wondered why. It seemed like a nice place, a great change from the village he resided in. It was nothing but paranoia and dank estates. 

When Cory was back in the church everyone was already asleep besides for one of his closest friends, Alice. A redhead girl who happened to be the only person in the village that would speak to him. The church was small, not even close to having enough to house all the orphans that resided here. It was Miserable and Cory wanted to be free but had nowhere to honestly go. Turns out Alice was waiting for Cory to make sure he didn't get hurt. Cory sat next to her and set his bag down. He wanted to know more about the Castle up the mountain, and he knew Alice would know something. So what was the harm in asking?

Cory: Uhm, Alice?

She looked at Cory slightly startled but interested in what he had to say.

Alice: Hm, yeah?

Cory: I have a few questions about the castle up the mountain...

Alice looked at him slightly worried about what his next response would be

Alice: Dimitrescu..?

Cory: Yes...

Alice gets a slightly scared expression, even mention of the castle makes her blood go cold.

Alice: You... Don't want to know...

Cory looks at her confused and tilts his head.

Cory: What are you talking about? Everybody's so scared of it but nobody says why...

Alice: Because... Anybody who goes in never comes back out.

Cory: What do you mean... Never comes back out?

Alice looks down in fear not wanting to say.

Alice: They... Die, it's nothing but blood and death in there...

Cory looks up at the castle with a hopeful look in his eyes

Cory: What if I went up to it?

Alice's eyes widen and she grabs his shoulders

Alice: Are you insane??

Cory: I want to know... What's really in there...

Alice looks down in defeat.

Alice: There's no arguing with you is there? Well... Curiosity killed the cat you know?

Cory keeps staring at the castle in hope of seeing the inside one day. Soon Alice fell asleep and Cory opened his journal and sketched what he could see of the castle, and began to write a few diary sections about his plan to get inside. He wanted to see the castle, and nothing was going to stop him, and that was final. Cory was very persistent and it was hard to change his mind about anything, once his mind was set on something, it was nearly impossible to at all make him change his mind. Cory laid down and slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning Cory woke around 5 o'clock, and everyone else was still asleep. it was only slightly light out, it was still pretty dark. Cory's mind was still boggled by everything that Alice told him, he thought that there was no way, and she was being dramatic. It's happening, is what he thought. Nothing could stop him now. Cory grabbed his coat and snuck out the back door of the church. It was freezing but Cory couldn't contain his eagerness. Cory walked through the snow up to the gate which opened right up with just the turn of a lever for him.

Cory: Well... That was easier than expected... But I guess I shouldn't complain

Castle Dimitrescu

Cory went up the mountain nervous and slightly scared. What if Alice was right? What if it was nothing but blood and death? He thought to himself, but he was in too deep now and refused to stop. Cory walked into the tunnel lit by torches that lead to the main doors. It smelt awful in the cave tunnel and nearly made him throw up, he went up to the door blocked by a gate with a lever next to it. He pulled the lever and the door opened

Cory eagerly walked inside and looked around at the gothic medieval architecture, it was beautiful. He had never seen anything like it before, it was so much different from the run-down architecture of the village. Cory walked around until he made it to what looked like the main hall. There were stairs leading to a locked door. On the opposite side was another door that had a sign on it that read Mask the angels' blinded gaze. Only then will you be saved. As soon as he read he heard a voice from behind him.

Bela: Lost your way little one?

Cory turned around startled and stepped back against the door. The room filled with flies, and there was laughter coming from the swarm. Terrified he tried to open the door, but it was locked. Out from the swarm of flies appeared three blonde gothic-looking girls wearing all black and holding scythes. His eyes widened in fear and he tried to run away but then Cassandra impaled his leg with the scythe immobilizing him and making him drop his glasses. Cory let out a loud scream in pain

Daniela: I haven't had a catch like this in a while

Cassandra pulls her scythe out of his leg making him scream out in pain, and he began to cry in fear and pain.

Cassandra: Hm, I have a better idea for you

Cory's vision starts to blur and he starts to feel weak, Cory reached for help, but then passed out due to blood loss.

The Village

Alice wakes up and notices that Cory was gone, she didn't think too much of it. He wandered the village a lot after all. Until... She looked at the castle gate, it was open... And she began to freak out. She found his journal which showed the sketch of the castle, she knew where he went but knew she couldn't say anything. Nobody would believe her, or even care. She goes outside and tries to calm down

Alice: Relax... He wouldn't, he can't be that stupid...

She looks up at the castle up the mountain with a fearful look in her eyes

Alice: Yeah, he wouldn't... He's just somewhere in the village.

Alice then leaves and searches through the village to look for him

After some time of searching, she could never find Cory and started to think the worst. She goes back to the church and sits down trying to relax, she knew this would happen. He was the most persistent person she's ever spoken to. But she knew his curiosity would get him killed one of these days.

Alice: Even if he is in there... There's nothing I can even do... The others won't believe that he's that stupid... Just relax... He'll be fine, he's just in a part of the village I haven't been to yet. Yeah, he'll be back soon

Alice lays back and stares out the window worried for Cory's safety

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