Dream Team / Merc Werk / To The Battlefield

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<Silver Wings Main Base: Hidden Entrance>

The scene picks up where it left off with an angered sniper yelling at the slightly confused Aoi.

Sniper: Why are you two being so friendly to each other when he almost killed us and what did he mean by "head of R&D"?

Aoi: If he was trying to kill you, you'd be dead before you knew it and he's my boss because I'm the head of R&D at Light Technologies in Atlas.

Shocked by the revelation, the sniper falls back to the ground, bewildered and defeated.

Aoi: What do you think you were doing anyway! You don't just attack people out of fucking nowhere! Who started it?


Aoi: If no one is gonna speak up you'll all never pick up a weapon again until the war is over!

The swordsman stands up and takes off their hood to reveal a young female.

Sword: It was my fault ma'am. I was acting on my instincts and my instincts told me he was dangerous so I engaged in combat unprovoked.

Aoi: I know Dez trained you better than that....Fucking hell.

The girl looks away in shame so Gryphon decides to step in.

Gryphon: Cut the kid some slack Aoi, she was right to assume i was a danger considering her instinct, just like most others, tell her to run from me as fast as possible but instead she stayed and fought. That takes guts, especially for a rookie.

Sword: Who are you calling a kid?! I'm 20!

Gryphon: Yeah? I'm 100, and that happened by getting metaphorically dropkicked into a black hole and you don't see me yelling about it.

The swordsman goes quiet, immediately believing Gryphon's story, while Jeanne laughs her ass off in the background.

Aoi: Alright I'm letting you off this once Tana, but if we have another situation like this I'm gonna be serious about you never touching another blade till this war is over, we clear?

Tana: *sigh* Yes Ma'am.

Aoi: Good, now back to what i was doing.

She turns back to Gryphon who's smiling at her already. He puts his hand out for a fist bump which she returns with her own fist bump and a smirk.

Aoi: Welcome back, Baby.


While Artoria and the others go park the car, Gryphon and Pyrrha are walking with Aoi to a meeting room where the other heads of the Silver Wings different operations are waiting.

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