Chapter 30

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"And.. Uncle died yesterday after me and Jennie broke up.." She continued

After she explained.. She had Heart cancer, Her Uncle died, She and Jennie broke up, she is going to Thailand

"Your.. so selfish and selfless at the same time y-you stupid monkey" I said and hugged her again

But this time she pulled the hug away

"Please don't tell Jennie or anyone.. Jisoo, Ryujin, and Seulgi are the only once who knew and You" she said as she looked at me seriously

"Lis.. Either way you have to tell Her! and Jeongyeon Sana!? your friends!? they are gonna find out!" I said

"They already know about me and Jennie but they don't know about me going to Thailand and Having cancer.." She said

I was about to talk when a loud shout was heard from the door room

"LISA!! WHYYYYYYY" And Exaggerated scream

"J-jeongyeon!" Lisa was shock and so was I

"Sana moved to Japan!? and now your going go Thailand!? your leaving me?! am I not your friend you stupud bitch?!" she yelled while tears were streaming down her stup- I mean face

"I-Im sorry i was g-gonna tell you!!" Lisa said and raised her arms

"But you Didn't!!! Waaa y-you MORON!" Jeongyeon said as she ran and hugged Lisa tightly while I chuckled

"Y-YAH!! G-get off!!!!!" Lisa said

"Fine ahhh" Jeongyeon said as she half faked cried and Real cried

"W-wait sana left?" I asked she nod

"That stupid bitch" Lisa sternly said

"I know right! but Tzuyu also left to Japan?" I asked and Lisa, me, Jeongyeon being oblivious just shrugged it off maybe a coincidence

"Okay explain Lisa.. Im your friend too!" Jeongyeon said while pointing her finger to Lisa

"Okay" Lisa said and started Explaining


"Oh Lisa.." Jeongyeon said and hugged her tightly

"Im sorry for not telling.." Lisa said crying yet again

"But still you should tell Jennie you know.." I said earning a nod from Jeongyeon

"I-I can't.. Besides she is ignoring me and I understand that.. So.. if you both don't mind when I leave to Thailand c-can you tell it to her Im to scared t-to say it" She said

"Okay.. We will but When are you Leaving?.." I asked

"3 days from now I will get a better treatment in my hometown If Ever I survived Ill come here again" she cheerfully said

who knew someone so cheerful and full of smiles who makes everything okay are the once who were the complete opposite inside

"Promise to call us and text us okay?" Jeongyeon said seriously

"Yeah yeah I will don't you worry" She said and winked

"Ok ok now C'mon we'll help you pack your things and Mine" I said

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