Chapter 57

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3 months later. we are back at school, This is our last year in school

Me and my friends were back from our trip, I still get a bit awkward with Jennie often, She still didn't talk to me about that incident

Im just glad she still talks, and feels comfortable with me

"Lisa?" I heard someone behind me talk, I looked back and saw- wait who the fuck is this girl?

"who are you?" I asked, she rolled her eyes

"wow! Lisa, can't believe you forgot about the solar system" I immediately widened my eyes

"Solar?! How are you!" I asked she smiled

"Bad.." She sighed, I watched her in concern

"How come?" I asked her, she looked at me with sadness

"Lisa.. what would you do.. if someone you love so much.. was killing people?" She asked me I frowned at her sudden question

"I would be.. mad?" I asked unsure

"By the way where is moonbyul?" I asked for her wife yes wife, she and moonbyul had been together since college and they just got married 1 year ago

"In the mental" She revealed, Solar is one of my most trusted friends back then, so she always tells me her problems while I do the same and we just comfort each other

"What.. how come?" I asked in disbelief, I saw tears coming out from her eyes

"S-she.. she killed people Lisa.. all because she thinks they were.. trying to steal me away from her" She revealed

"Stop Joking Solar. its not funny" I said seriously, she stare at me in pain

"S-she has OLD Lisa!" She yelled an cried, I didn't know what to do so I hugged her

this doesn't.. seem right..

"BOO!" Someone yelled behind my back causing me to yell and jump in surprise

Solar started laughing, I looked at the culprit and saw Moonbyul

Goddamnit! I knew it

"FUCK YOU BOTH!" I yelled and started chasing her

"HAHAHAHA YOU- YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE!" Moonbyul shit said I gritted my teeth from anger and irritation

"BITCH COME BACK!" I yelled as she was getting farther and farther

"AHAHHAHAHAHAHA Y-YOU FELL FOR IT HHAH" Solar yelled, I stopped running and glared at her causing her to choke and cough

"You..." I said sternly, She smiled then ran away as well leaving me alone

"I WILL GET YOU BOT-" I was cut off by a soft voice

"what are you yelling at Lisa?" Jennie said curiously, I flinched in surprise again.

"Ah! whats up with people trying to give me a heart attack.." I mumbled while caressing my stomach, I heard her giggle

"Lisa-yah, We should start heading to our classroom" She said and cling on me

"Sure, Lets go?" I said and smiled at her, These past few days I've been.. feeling things for Jennie and I can't understand why?..

Sehun, Oh shit! I forgot about him! Sehun really tried his best to change and I could see it, Though there are times when he raises his hands but it doesn't reach my skin, He always apologizes afterwards

There are also times- wait no scratch that He is always Jealous when someone approaches me, Especially Jennie he even told me to stay away from her, but I just can't seem stay away from Jennie

I'm annoyed at Sehun's actions, Attitude, Yes he might not hurt me as much as before but he still talks craps, but he's very sweet when talking about us

He and Jennie hates each other and, I don't know the reasoning, Jennie and Jin are still together, While me and Sehun are still together but I've noticed he's slowly drifting away from me

Don't get me wrong but, I love Sehun so much, Its just he rarely chats, reply, talk or show affection to me this past few weeks, but He told me he was with his friends

"Lisa? what are you thinking?" Jennie said cutting me off my story

"Oh, nothing Just thinking about the past few days" I said and smiled, It wasn't a lie though, Another thing Why can I never bring myself to lie to her? I feel bad and guilty every time I lie to her

Once I did lie, She would always know and keeps telling me to never lie to her ever again

"Thank you for not lying Lis" She said and showed her gummy smiled, my heart stopped at the sight, I gulped and diverted my eyes at my lap trying to calm down, every little thing she does it always makes me.. breathless

Am I?.. falling for her again?.. no no! I can't!

I shook the thought off my head believing it was a foolish thought, I could never bring myself to like her again, not when I once experienced what it was like to be with her

But People change.. Im wondering if I have chance?

I widened my eyes at my own thought, why the hell am I thinking about that?!

I know I get wet dreams ever since the Jennie incident happened, but that doesn't mean I want to be with her!

I feel bad for having such sexual dream about me and Jennie, And it feels so real every time, Its wrong I know but what can I do? I can't control my dream

"hey Lili- Oh.. Im sorry" She apologized after calling me that, leading me to frown Why is she sorry about that? doesn't she like me like that anymore?

"Its ok, You can Call me Lili again" I said and smiled widely when she did, I love the sight Im seeing

I love-

"Jennie, do you wanna eat with me?" I asked her she nodded

"Yeah I'd like to eat you" She said making me shock

"w-what did you say?" I asked

"I said, yeah I'd like to eat with you" She said innocently, I blamed my dirty mind for thinking like that, I know she was a sex addict back then but that doesn't mean I'm allowed to think something like that

"Oh.. the professor is here! hehe" I said and laughed awkwardly she nodded and gave me one last smile and she turned her attention to the Professor

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