Chapter 58

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"f-fuck.. faster!" I moaned as Jennie inserts her fingers in me faster

"You like that baby?" She said in a husky tone, My body moved up and down feeling the rhythm of her fingers

"Shit s-shit! I-I'm near!" I yelled and my walls started to clenched

"Cum for me baby!" Jennie said in a seductive tone making me cum on her fingers

"good job baby.." She said and kissed my nose, She fell on top of me from exhaustion, After a few minutes of breathing and gaining our energy back

I flipped us over, She widened her eyes, I smirked and leaned on her collarbone

"Daddy's not done yet baby.." I husked out and placed multiple wet kisses

"mmh.. baby.. s-stop teasing ah~" She moaned as I teased her clit, she was so wet and was ready to be touched

I leaned on her lips and before our lips touched

"LISA WAKE THE FUCK UP!!" I immediately sat down and opened my eyes and felt myself scared because of the yelling, I trembled until I saw it was

"what the.. FUCK RYUJIN! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU USING A MICROPHONE?!" I yelled out of annoyance

"YOU WOULDN'T WAKE UP SO WE USE THIS CLEVER AM I RIGHT?" Jisoo said also with the microphone I groaned in irritation

"aw! you too?!" I Threw a pillow at them trying to make them get out of my room

"Get out!" I yelled they laughed and got out, I sighed and held my chest

what was I dreaming..? This is isn't normal

Why do I always crave for her touch? when.. I have a boyfriend

I decided to removed the thoughts and message Sehun, I sighed as our last chat was last week

<<Hey Sehun..? where are you?>>

I sighed, Did I do something wrong? But he hasn't yelled or touch me so it doesn't make sense.. If he gets mad over something he would usually yell at me for it

Sighing I turned my phone off, As I tuck my phone on my pocket I noticed a box on my cabinet, I think I forgot to close my cabinet last night, I stand up and walked to my closet and grabbed the box

I slowly examine it and carefully place it on my bed, what even is this?

I opened and saw it was full of pictures back then especially.. Me and Jennie

I bitterly smile at our picture, knowing this was our last picture before I left her.. I'm an idiot

All this time I've been feeling so comfortable with Jennie, I felt safe in her arms, I felt butterflies in my stomach, I've been more affectionate to her and I'm just afraid to know what i truly feel for her because I might end up hurt

Mixed signals are always the hardest to accept, and Shes been so caring, Loving, affectionate, and so wonderful

I sighed and grabbed another picture of me and her on her birthday day, I smiled as I remembered the cake I was supposed to be gifting her was been eaten by Chaeyoung

I sighed, placing back the pictures and closing the box

I.. I think I still like you Jennie


"How many?.." I asked my Assistant

"7" She responded, I nodded And smirked

"7.. 3 more to go" I mumbled and stand up from my Seat

"Please, don't tell your gonna.. do it again.." My Secretary said, I sighed and smiled

"I'm doing it for her" I said and left the office readying my gun

"Its been a while.." I whispered to myself and walked to the store

"Yeji?" I heard someone call me, shit..

"A-ah yes?" I said nervously I turned around and saw it was just Jennie-Unnie

"What are you doing here?" She asked me politely I sighed, there's no more hiding now

Knowing her she fan read people so easily even me! even though I'm so hard to read

"I'm trying to win that gummy bear over there and the only way to win 3 of that is to shoot that freaking teddy bear! with this gun of mine" I said and stare at the kids trying to get the largest gummy bear

"Wait.. why do you have a gun?" She asked me in confusion

"Well, if you wanted to try and win they will give you a toy gun that shoots plastic bullets so you can practice at home and when your ready you can shoot the teddy and win those 3 large gummies!" I explained

"Hmm.. Can I try?" She asked me I looked at her in disbelief

"No! I've been waiting for this moment! I already have 7 at home and I just need those to complete my collection!" I said as I disapprove of her playing

"I promise just to play" She crossed her fingers making me sigh and nodded, we both went towards the guy who's in charge of guarding to make sure no one cheats

"hey! Yeji! you're here again trying to win those 3?" The guy teased me I rolled my eyes he can be pain the ass

"ohh~ and who's this fine young lady?" He asked me when he saw Jennie-Unnie

"I'm Jennie" Jennie unnie introduced herself and smiled

"Hey beautiful" He winked at Jennie I scoff and rolled my eyes, This guy is such a pervert

"Hey now~ Don't worry babe You're still the one I want" He said and winked at me I stare at him in disgust

"And you're still the one I want to die" I smiled sarcastically and grabbed the gun on his bag for Jennie-Unnie

"You and that guy are surely funny" She said and giggled I stuck my tongue out in disgust

"Anyways unni, here" I hand her the toy gun she grabbed it and thanked me

"Its our turn! You go first Unnie" I said and smirked knowing this girl will fail

I stare at her in disbelief

"h-how.." I was out of words when she hit the Teddy bear in the right direction to win not once.. BUT THRICE!

"It was easy" She said and smiled at me, I still couldn't believe it

"But.. but.." I wanted the gummy's whyyyyyy!?

"You still get the gummy's Yeji" She winked at me, I immediately smiled widely and started dancing

Jennie Unnie! You're so cool!

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