Chapter 53

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"so?" Lisa asked me nervously, She baked me a cake which was very very.. sweet and messy

As soon as soon as I finished on tickling her I ignored her for the night and slept, But Morning came I smelled something burnt

So I quickly got up, I noticed Lisa wasn't beside me so I just ran to the kitchen and there I saw her, Flour all over the floor, In her nose, cheeks, egg yolks on the counter and A burnt bread beside her

Basically I helped her cleaned Everything and tried teaching her but If you're asking me, Its completely useless

"Its Good" I said and smiled sweetly and continued eating even tho it taste so ew.. But still! Lisa made this so I should be grateful I gulped the cake without even biting afraid of tasting the cake

"Why did you even make this anyway?" I asked her

"As a apology"

"For what?"

"For tickling you" She replied

"You didn't have to" I said and smiled, she is so generous

"Yeah I know but, I wanted to" She replied while staring into my eyes

stop that Lis! I might melt..


I know I shouldn't but, Why every time I stare into her eyes, I get lost in them.. Why do I feel comfort? and.. safe?..

"Lisa-yah?" She called me making me stop staring at her eyes

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered

"you ok?" She asked me worriedly, I nodded

"Oh right, I forgot to ask you" Jennie said I look at her confused

"Tonight, there'll be an event at the club"

"ok? are you going?" I asked her she nodded

"are you?" She asked me I shook my head 'no' As I don't drink that much since Sehun forbids me cause he was scared that my heart problem might come back

"Aw, why not? Jisoo, Rosé, Seulgi, and everyone are gonna be there" She pouted whining, I smiled unconsciously

"I'm not good with Alcohol Jen" I said, She smirked

"Don't worry I'll take care of you, Sehun already agreed" She said, I widened my eyes

"He did?" She nodded as a reply I nodded suspiciously

"So~ come with me~ Please Lili?" She tried convincing me, Her face getting nearer and nearer

I could feel her hot breath on my face, As My face started to heat due to our closeness

"O-ok! Ok! I will!" I gave in, she finally moves away from my face then smiled widely, Then she hugged me

I hope she couldn't hear my heartbeat, Its pounding so fast..

"YAY! Thank you Lili!" She said and Pecked my cheeks

"Do you have a fever Lisa?" She asked I shook my head

"w-what? N-no!" I replied and smiled awkwardly

"Then why are you so red?" She innocently asked, me? red? NO WAY

"I-Im not!" I said then stand up she asked me where I'm going I just ignored her and walked fast to our room, Thats when I yelled on the pillow

8:21 PM

"Lisa-yah, They are at the club already are you done changing?" Jennie asked me, We were changing for The club we are going to

"yeah!" I yelled Then got out of my closet, I was looking down but when I looked up, I froze

"yeah!" I yelled Then got out of my closet, I was looking down but when I looked up, I froze

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"Do you like it?" She asked me smiling widely, I gulped

"y-you're very Beautiful.." I unconsciously said, I heard her giggle

"Thank you Lili" She winked at me then stared at me up and down, Did she bit her lips?

"Thank you Lili" She winked at me then stared at me up and down, Did she bit her lips?

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"Ready?" I asked her, She nodded then she started fo cling on my arm

"Once we go there wear a Jacket" She mumbled which I heard

"Why?" I asked her

"Cause People are gonna stare at you." She said sternly then suddenly tightened her grip on my arms

"Y-your hurting me" I said she quickly loosened her grip

"Come now Lili" She said then we go out of our room

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