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After coming from the temple everyone was resting in their rooms as they were really tired..

Though shiva and raavi were also told to go to their room , they didn't..
While raavi though that shiva would go to the room to take rest,  so she went to the terrace, where as shiva on the other hand thought that raavi should be taking rest and because she doesn't wants to see him he didn't go to their room , and went to the terrace..

Unknowingly they both were their on the terrace , because of each other..
While raavi stood near the ralling looking at the lake near by, shiva stood at other end lost in though...
(They haven't seen each other till now)

Suddenly there came a monkey near raavi which made her scream in fear.
Hearing her scream ,shiva felt scared and looked around the terrace , only to find her at the other end with  her face red with fear.He quietly went to her...

Hearing someone approaching her made raavi turn around and seeing shiva there gave her a relif, but that was also short term as the monkey moved towards her which made raavi run towards shiva ,hugging him tightly, as if her life depends on him..

Shiva felt peace within his body the moment raavi hugged him , where as raavi was to scared to notice how comfortable she felt in his arm..
Shiva gently circled his one arm around her waist ,where as the other went straight to her hair smoothing her ..

Raavi: shiva bacha mujhe , kaat lega..
Shiva : raavi kuch nhi karega..main hu naa kuch nhi karega..
Raavi : nhi please hata usse ,mujhe daar lg rha ha..

Before shiva could say anything , another monkey came there and raavi literally jumped on shiva , making him take few step back ,falling on the near by ralling, though shiva balanced himself, sitting on the ralling..
He looked at raavi who had her hand circled around shiva's neck and her legs where wrapped around his waist ,he had his hand secured firmly around her small back.. She was literally sitting on his lap..
Shiva looked at their position and couldn't help but think of how beautiful it would have been if raavi was also in love with him..
He would always made her sit like this then, near to him..
But his wishes , could never be their reality and he knew it.. He sniffed at that though tightening his arms around her waist.
This made raavi pull her head up from his chest and look into his eyes..
Though she did got aware of their position but something inside her told her to live in this moment..
They both were looking at each other as if communicating through their eyes...
They didn't wanted to be pulled away from each other , though they were not aware about each others feeling , they did knew their own feelings for one another and that made them stay in that position...The warmth and the peace was something which they didn't ever wanted to let go off..

They kept looking at each other ,long forgotten about the monkey they were scared of..
It was just them, their peace, their warmth and their love..

Raavi hair were falling on her face blocking shiva view ,so he moved his one hand to her face and pushed her hair behind her ear... Still looking at her...
He let his hand rest on her cheeks, moving his thump slightly taking in her warmth..While raavi too closed her eyes feeling the same warmth pass through her body..
They both wanted to freeze this moment..
They wanted to cry , scream and tell their feelings to each other , but they were too tired to do anything..
And right now they just wanted to keep this moment with them, forever... They wanted to live in this moment and not think about what future holds..
They wanted to keep the comfort they were feeling in each other arms with them lifetime..
If given them an option of other things and this comfort, they would choose this over anything and everything..

While shiva still had his palm resting on raavi cheek , raavi too moved her hand into his hair, she felt a tingling sensation inside her stomach on how smooth his hair felt against her finger..
Shiva closed his eyes when he felt her stroke his hair gently..
They both looked at each other lips and the flashback of their previous kiss came infront of them..

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