Dirty Freddys

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10pm comes round quicker than you know it and I receive a message from Jax saying he is outside waiting for me. The school I'm at wouldn't dare talk back to me let alone set rules for me unless they want a lawsuit bigger than Africa itself to be sent their way. So they let me do as I please.

I hear a whistle come from Jax as he takes in what I am wearing. Im wearing a silk skin tight red dress that compliments my curves better than ever, my long tans legs are out and my midnight hair is cascading down my back. I have a dark red lipstick on and black mascara and eyeliner that makes my eyes look electric. I can't help but say it myself that I look hot.

as im walking closer to where the whistle resonated from I finally get a good look at Jax, he is leaning against his black Lamborghini wearing his favourite black tailored pants and a halfway buttoned up black top that is doing him justice in every way, making sure that anyone who looks at him tonight won't only be drooling over his face but the muscles that are on show.

" Why hello Jax, don't you look handsome " I kiss him on the cheek and let him open the door for me to get in.

" OH, Aurelia you flatter to me" he jumps in the drivers seat beside me giving me a cheecky grin before pulling out of halgingtons car park and on to the main road. I look out the window watching as we pass car after car at abnormal speed.

" Now tell me Aurelia, why the sudden interest to go clubbing? have you run out of books to read... " I pull my eyes away from the window and turn to look at Jax " no, no don't tell me...... your feeling sexually frustrated from all the Dilf"s you see at work" he starts manically laughing.

" How could you tell " I look at him with a fully straight face.

"WHAT!!! AURELIA I KNEW IT...... Tell me more" his face is now slack and he pleads for more information.

" Well there is this gentleman that I haven't been able to get out go my mind in months" I go on   " he has dirty blonde hair like you that I just want to run my hands through all day, though its starting to recede now"

"Go on, Go on "

" Well he is very Business orientated, which I find very appealing because who doesn't like a man that can't pay for your every expense" Jax is nodding along, agreeing vigorously at that last part.

" oh and his physique is very drool worthy Jax but you know what really pulls me in is his eyes, I dream about those eyes in fact they are the exact same as yours, molten brown " At that last comment Jax turns to me keeping one hand on the steering wheel "HEY , this man sounds a lot like my dad..... and I mean a lot " I mentally face palm my self.

a few seconds later Jax lets out a very dramatic gasp and looks at me in almost tears " Aurelia that's my DAD! " now im the one to start laughing. " not cool Aurelia, not cool".

Another 5 minutes of driving and we have arrived at our usual club, dirty Freddys. Im the first to hope out the car, checking quickly to see if there is any paparazzi snooping around wanting to snap a suspicous photo of anyone famous they can make up a new story about for whatever tabloids pays they're checks. Thankfully the only thing I spot is the 2 regular large bouncers at the front of Dirty Freddys entrance monitoring the large queue of people wanting to get into this exclusive establishment. I knock on the window of Jax's tinted Lamborghini singling the coast is clear.

He hops out the car giving the valet his keys so that he can go park up the car. 

" Matildas just texted me she is meeting us inside" he says putting away his phone in his pocket.

Jax and I make our way up to Mark, on of the bouncers who is monitoring who comes in and out the doors. 

" Hello, Mark " I greet him giving him a small smile. He lifts his head from the tablet in his hand obviously wondering who would dare greet him by his first name.

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