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Parchment was beginning to slowly suffocate the surface of my desk,  the mess in front of me making me feel more agitated than ever. Due to yesterdays unplanned excursions and last nights FaceTime call bleeding into early hours of the morning, I had no time to finish the paperwork I was meant to finish last night. So here I sit at 10 past 7, awake since 5 am cursing at the 26 letters of the alphabet. 

My phone buzzes beside me, making me glance up from the mess in front of me, only to find that the soft glow of the morning sun is now fighting to try fill the room from behind the curtains, at least one of us wants to be in here. Turning my attention back to the screen of my phone, while ignoring the strain in my neck from looking down for so long, I'm made aware that someone has left a voice message. 

"Hello Miss Beaumont, Its Mr Cho from your Japan Branch. I just wanted to let you know, we have the lists you asked for, and we will be awaiting your arrival soon"  the voicemail cuts off. I remember Mr Cho from my meeting back in Moscow, he and Mr Aiguo made us aware we had a leech in our new branch over there, discreetly trying to syphon off money from us. 

"Just perfect" I mumble, mentally adding another task to my ever-growing list of things to do. Though, at least it will get me out this school for a few days, I have always loved Japan. 


Ella is waiting in the cafeteria today when I come through the large swinging doors.

"Afternoon, Ella." I greet, as I come to sit down beside her. 

"Hey Aurelia." she smiles at me before going back to the book she's reading, It doesn't look to be the one she was telling me about when we first met. 

"The picture of Dorian Grey. An interesting choice, though please do not tell me you aspire to be  him anytime soon." Ella lets out a snort, before quickly recovering and placing a hand over her mouth. 

"what on earth are you going on about! Dorian is a selfish and truly a sad man, that sold his soul for a portrait of immortality " she sates. 

"I'm just making sure, due to the unfortunate time that I once met a boy from Austria who told me that dorian grey is his aspiration and spirit animal" she can't help but let out another louder snort, making few pupils send disapproving looks our way. 

Our meals are placed before us in no time, making Ella plop her book down and start digging in to the plate of food. I just push mine away, I will go out later and get something less..... well, school food. 

Halfway through her meal, Ella starts to talk "In class today I heard some girls talking about you and that you were spotted with the golden three yesterday and even got into Eros car" she whispers the last bit. as if just saying the name could mean all eternity in hell.

"Yes, though it was practically because Augustine wouldn't let me go back to my room" She raises her eyebrows at me. 

"Are you serious!"

"There is nothing to lie about. All we did was go out for dinner and come back." I scroll through the emails on my phone. 

"You know that Montana is the only known girl to sit In one of Eros cars before" 

"Ella, what Montana and him did is their business. And if I'm being completely honest with you, talking to a statue would be more fun than spending another car ride with him" She chokes on her food, at my comment. 

"Shall we head to next period together?" 

"Ugh, Biology" Ella rolls her eyes. 


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