golden boys

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"Your room has to be bigger than mine even if mine were to be doubled!"  Ella says, flopping down melodramatically on to my couch, looking like she is still reeling after what happened in the cafeteria. After I caught those 3 boys looking at me, Ella had grabbed my hand again and had whisked me out of the cafeteria all while ignoring the questions I demanded that were to be answered. We had ended up in my room with myself now situated crosslegged in my French armchair looking expectedly at Ella.

"Now that we are alone, do you mind telling me why Ella, we just partook in a marathon in the middle of school ?" 

" ohh...umm..yeah.."she starts to fumble with her fingers.

Ella hesitates before speaking "I don't know what it was like at your old school Aurelia, but here at Kingston we have a type of student hierarchy ... in which you witnessed first Hand today" she says tensely, not looking up at me. I arch my eyebrow for her to further explain.

"like with any hierarchy its sorted by looks, money and power, meaning if you have any 2 or 3 of those attributes your time at Kingston academy will be nothing but perfect, you will have students bowing down to your every move and praising your mere existence" 

Ella lets out a breath "but if you're like me and we'll .... not from any family of great influence or have millions pumping into your bank account every few minutes, you're- I mean Im obviously going to be the prey to the predators... which self explains why Montana was at my table today" her voices cracks and I can tell Ella is holding in years of tears due to the torment she has obviously been through. 

I get out of my seat and make my way over to Ella, thinking of the best way to comfort her.                   "You should have never been put through what you have been through Ella, you are so very strong for how much you have put up with" I place my hand on her shoulder, feeling the schools dark blue blazer beneath my manicured fingers.

*sniffle sniffle

"if I'm being honest, Im surprised you even wanted to sit with me. I was 100% sure you were going to leave and go off with Montana ..I mean you're Aurelia frickin Beaumont!" I frown at her words.

"My name shouldn't define anything about me Ella, if I had any say in the matter I would only wish to be known as Aurelia. No Beaumont this, no Beaumont that. just Aurelia" I mock, hearing a light disgruntled giggle come from beside me.

"Ella, I know we have only known each other for a few a hours and all, but I would be honoured if we were to become friends and for me to sit with you at your table. A silly hierarchy is not as enticing as its sounds and nor do the people that make it up, if what you say about Montana being at the top of it is true" I say giving a genuine smile to Ella as go back to my seat, I'm not too good at the comforting thing. She doesn't seem to mind though, as a smile now stretches across her face.

"REALLY! you would want to sit with m-- WAIT did you say be my ... friend" I give her a light hearted nod.

"Is that even a question, if anything I should be asking you this! but ... I would really really like that too Aurelia" she says sheepishly 

"And Im sorry for rushing you out of the cafeteria, its just... I was overwhelmed, you sticking up for me and talking back to Montana is practically against the law here unless you're the one of the G3" 

I am taken back by what she had just said and try to comprehend what on earth is a G3  but instead begin to laugh, the G3? who comes up with this stuff.

"Your not serious are you ... I don't even want to say it out loud" I manage to say.

"Aurelia, I'm serious the G3 is short for the golden three" she states as a matter of factly.

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