A headache

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Eros hasn't said a word to me, and neither have I. The car ride was by far the most awkward situation I have ever been in, I seriously would have volunteered to sit through another dinner with my parents than this.

Every few seconds I watch as his hand slightly tenses at the wheel, and his dark brows furrow ever so gently as if he were having mental debate with himself. I turn to look at the window so that I can stop myself from giving him creepy side glances. I recall the long private road we now drive on as It hasn't been more than a few minutes that I was just being chauffeured back down it from my meeting. The sun was nowhere to be seen as the darkness of the night was slowly winning its battle in the sky, making the trees look less like trees, but the split ends of a girls hair.

The inside of Eros car was just like the outside, black. The leather seats, black. The screen and all the buttons, black. The floor and mats, Black. You know, if I wasn't sure what his favourite colour was I would have to say black......ding ding ding, we have a winner!

Now look who's talking now about having a mental debate with ones self, I mentally shake my head.

Thankfully, It wasn't long before we arrived into town and were soon parked up in front of a small.... Italian restaurant? I wasn't quite sure. Eros's door beside me slams shut, making me realise that I too needed to get out.

"A!" Not quite picking up that was the new "nickname" Augustine had given me, I ignored the shout.

"A! Are you ignoring me now?" Augustine loops his arm through mine, startling me at the sudden contact and invasion of space. Nikolai and Eros had already entered the restaurant, leaving only Augustine and I in the small parking lot.

"I only wish" I sigh "And will you please stop calling me A, I much prefer my real name!"

I let Augustine lead me into the small restaurant, immediately inhaling the sweet and savoury smell that greets my nose as we enter. The restaurant ' Tutte Bene' meaning so good in Italian, did smell indeed so good! So much so, that I couldn't stop the untamed grumble that came from my stomach. Making the boy that still had his arm looped in mine, look down at me and let out a laugh.

"I hope that was just your stomach, and not some fighting arena in there!" Where does he think of this stuff? He leads me over to a small table in the cozy restaurant, where Eros and Nikolai are both situated. Being the ever so called gentlemen Augustine is, he pulls out my chair for me to sit down upon.

"Guysss im so hungry" he immediately says as his bum hits the chair, and his face immediately engulfed behind the menu "Everything looks so gooddd".

I look at the occupants of the table. Eros is also looking at his menu very intently, at the same time as having a hushed conversation with Nikolai. I feel very out of place.

I barely have time to look at my menu before a young men comes over to our table awaiting to take our orders.

"Welcome to Tutte Bene, can I start you guys with any drinks" the waiter says, looking around our table anxiously. I couldn't blame him for feeling that way, just these 3 boys looks and auras scream 'Fuck off'.

Augustine is first to order, reciting each name of the dish he wants incorrectly.

Nikolai is next " I'll have a Spaghetti alla puttanesca" it was the first time I had heard him speak, his voice not sounding quite as demanding as Eros's, but was still able to hold authority with his deep voice.

"And I'll have Bistecca alla Fiorentina" Eros speaks, the waiter hastily writing everything down, then looking towards me.

"Can I have your Pasta e fagioli, please" I say In perfect Italian, all those tudors I have had meant business when they taught me. The waiter hurries off.

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