Natasha (pt.32)

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Y/n's stomach has grown in the last two months. It looks like a baby stomach in the 9th month. Y/n and Bucky are prepared to call the doctor.

Y/n: No, listen honey, we won't call the doctor now! The baby just kicked me. It happened before!

Bucky: If you say so!

Y/n: Listen Buck I- AGHH!

Bucky: Okay enough! That's not normal!

He dials the doctor's number on his cell phone and calls him. A few minutes later arrives the doctor and two nurses. Y/n is really close to giving birth.


Bucky: I don't know!

Nurse: You need to press y/n!

She presses and presses. After a few second she hears baby screams. She falls back exhausted and Bucky kisses her forehead.

Bucky *whispers*: You did it!

Y/n *whispers*: I guess so!

The nurse puts the little girl in her arms.

Y/n: We don't have a name yet!

Bucky: She looks like a Natasha.

Y/n: Yes she does!

Loki: Hello little Natasha! It's Loki, your uncle!

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