12: Comments

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The Dream House Part Twelve

TW: Hate comments/hurtful slanders.


Karl's POV

It's currently 5:20 in the morning on a Saturday. We were supposed to go to the beach today. We planned on going early and spending the whole day there. Something happened yesterday and I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Sapnap might have accidentally said that my parents got divorced on his stream because chat asked why I didn't stream for a while. There was hate comments because of that and I had no idea why but it got in my head.

'He's not streaming because of that? What a cry baby!'

'I'm adopted and I'm not being a bitch about it.'

As much as I would want to be rude back, everything they said were true anyway. I started thinking of bad things, things no one should ever do. It's all in my head no matter how hard I try to ignore it. I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere or do anything. But if I stayed home, the rest would know something's going on.

I switched my phone off and sneaked out of bed. I looked back and saw Quackity and Sapnap sleeping soundly.

Sapnap's POV

I woke up to hear Quackity's alarm going off. I moved over and switched it off for him. He was still asleep and it was 6am. I kissed his cheeks slightly, and whispering into his ear to wake him up.

"Good morning, baby." He spoke, letting out a yawn.

"Morning... Where's Karl?" I questioned.

"I thought he was here..." Quackity claimed before the room door open.

It was Karl, he was wearing his favourite purple hoodie along with a grey sweatpants. He was drying his hair with a towel when he came in.

"Well, good morning!" Karl said in a different tone.

He looked a bit tired.

"You're up early." Quackity mumbled as he picked up his shirt from the ground, wearing it.

"We're going to the beach today, right?" Karl asked, closing the door behind him.

"Yeah, we should get ready." I answered, adjusting my posture.

After we got ready, we headed down to Dream cooking breakfast. Karl was being quiet and I felt bad for him.

"Good morning!" Wilbur welcomed happily.

"Hey, Wilbur!" Karl greeted, sounding slightly less enthusiastic.

"Dream! You're making breakfast!?" I inquired.

"Yup! George and Liam helped me!" Dream mentioned energetically, flipping a pancake on the pan.

"Yeah. There's some ready on the table for you guys if you're hungry." HBomb stated.

"Ay, thanks." Quackity spoke.

I looked at Karl when we were eating. He stuffed his food hesitantly, almost like he was forcing himself to eat. I didn't know if I should say something about it but I could tell Quackity noticed it as well.

"Schlatt, are these yours?" Dream conveyed, pointing to the bottles of beer in the fridge.

"It's for the party! I bought it long ago but there's no way in hell I'm drinking for another two months." Schlatt replied.

"When are we leaving?" Karl questioned, annoyed.

"In 30 minutes. Why? Is something wrong?" Wilbur concerned.

"No." Karl lied.

[517 words]

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