Chp 1

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My life was never perfect though I hardly had reason to complain. That was until the transfer of Lila Rossi, an italian girl with a penchant for manipulation.

She had, with a practiced ease, started isolating me from my classmates and family. In the beginning, it was by doing small things, things that most wouldn't even notice. Those were better times.

Soon however, Lila had spun this perfect narrative to make her look like the victim in all of our interactions. She'd make it seemed like i'd either purposefully or unwittingly hurt her because of my supposed jealousy and clumsiness.

Most hadn't wanted to believe it but they gave in after Lila had shown them some apparent undeniable "evidence." All in all, she had effortlessly lied, cheated and manipulated her way to the top.

From there, my life had started becoming one bad thing after the other. "Good morning Tikki," I whispered softly.

"Don't you wanna sleep more, Marinette?" Asked Tikki visibly frowning looking me up and down.

"There's nothing I want more but the universe hates me." I sighed, reluctantly changing. I was convinced my life was some massive cosmic joke.


I did my normal training which is a ten mile run followed by a few hours in the gym. Fuck, I huffed, breathing heavily.


In my new found spare time (yay me), I deciphered part of the grimoire that Master Fu left behind. Using the grimoire I had managed to learn so much more about the miraculi, even learning how to change the shape of the Miracle Box.

In the beginning, before I could change the box's form, I always had to find creative ways to hide it (my mom would occasionally go through my things citing that she was simply worried about me and all that.)

As I was heading for school that day, the horrors started. My desk that was usually painted with all manner of derogatory terms was pleasantly clean today. Though people still tried tripping me as I was getting to class.

When I got into class Mrs. Bustier was obviously in a good mood so I had high hopes that nothing special would he happening today.

"Our class has been granted the opportunity to stay a week in Gotham where everyone will attend the city's school and enjoy a tour of Wayne Enterprises.

Make sure to bring in your slips signed by your parents tomorrow."


For some reason, after hearing what Madame Bustier had said, I started shivering. Not out of fear however but out of anticipation.

When I went home I immediately asked my parents as to whether I could go or not. They signed without hesitation and while I was pleased that they'd signed I was also disappointed at how little they cared. I thought as I flopped onto my bed next to Tikki who giggled at me.


I had just finished my homework but I had to work on a commission. Not having friends and doing favours for them gave me a lot of time for myself which was simultaneously liberating but lonely.

With that time I had nothing to do so I worked nonstop and I never slept. In my spare time I'd made a clothing business. Which, ironically, Lila has lied at least, several times about.

I groaned at the reminder of Lila and felt like banging my head on a wall, repeatedly until I saw blood.


I saw Adrien after class today. To say I was confused would be a gross understatement. He looked sad. Which in turn had me feeling rather depressed and seeing as I didn't want to deal with the emotional turmoil I just walked away.

"Wait!" he had yelled.

But I didn't acknowledge him. I just went to my next lesson.


After school had finished, I packed everything that I needed for the trip. My swords, guns, knives and all the other essentials.

I didn't sleep all night because of nightmares, instead choosing to work on some more commissions for my company. Once I finished them it was already morning and I came early to class in case Lila had planned on leaving without me.

I got to class right as they where about to leave.

Yet, I remained silent.

We got to the airport and boarded our flight. Once we landed we went by bus to the hotel to drop of our things and go see Wayne Enterprises.

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