꒰ intro + 01 !! ꒱

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hyung who needs to pay the rent

we're bro's but you seriously needs to pay the rent <

> who tf?

isn't this Jaehyuk hyung? <

> i'm not.

hyung stop joking around. i'm not stupid <

> typing...

[new message from yedambang]

Jeongwoo opened the message that Yedam just send him.


> i kinda messed up..

what do you mean? <

> i think i send you the wrong number.

you did not.. <

> i think it's not Jaehyuks' ....?

omg hyuuuung! <
you seriously like getting me embarrassed <

> sorry i didn't mean it~

whatever <
you owe me an explanation as to whom number did you just send <
oh wait, he? replied brb <

hyung who need to pay the rent

> i said i'm not your Jaehyuk hyung stupid.
> also why can't you just pay the rent yourself...
> you broke...?

'the fuck? i feel insulted' Jeongwoo thought while reading the message

sorry for disturbing you sir? <
and it's not like that, my Jaehyuk hyung needs to pay the rent because last month i payed for it. it's his turn now. <

> lol whatever, go away
> bye

again, sorry for disturbing you.. bye too <

[do you want to delete conversation? yes|no]

[do you want to delete number? yes|no]

Jeongwoo sighed, what's wrong with that man, "he's so rude.." he talks to himself "bet his personality suc-" Jeongwoo was interupted by knocking on the door.

he proceed to the door hoping it was Jaehyuk who was knocking, when he opened it there was Jaehyuk with that familiar smile on his face and..... he's with a boy.

Jeongwoo stared at the latter before Jaehyuk fake coughs and asked "can we at least get in...?". Jeongwoo made way for them to get in, before closing the door behind him and following them to the living room.

when all of them were there, no one even bother to speak - it was an awkward silence before Jeongwoo speaks up "guys i think we should sit down.." when he said that the other boy beside Jaehyuk mumbled a small "finally~" Jeongwoo just silently laughs

he look at the two and noticed that Jaehyuk is quiet, it's almost like it's not Jaehyuk.. or is he trying to look decent to the boy he's with? just Jeongwoo's thought.

after a long minute Jeongwoo have had enough, "ya hyung why are you being all quiet? introduce me to your friend." Jaehyuk was quite taken aback why is Jeongwoo not mad?

and Jeongwoo seems to notice that "if you think i'm mad because you haven't answering my calls for days - i'll seriously hit you." he said.

"wait you're not mad? are you sur-" Jaehyuk finally speaks. "well i'm not, so now can you at least introduce me to your friend." Jeongwoo cutted him.

"oh.. oh yea Jeongwoo this is Asahi, Asahi this is Jeongwoo my roommate." Jaehyuk introduced them to each other, Jeongwoo and Asahi shake hands and bow to each other.

"well... Woo i actually have something to tell you." Jaehyuk said. "really? what is it then?"

"i'm moving out, i'm changing dorms." Jeongwoo was about to speak but Jaehyuk cutted him "- don't worry i'll pay rent this month. also if you're worrying that you have no one to split the rent with then don't because Asahi's cousin will move in here... are you okay with that...?" Jaehyuk finished.

"'well...' what?"
"gosh can you make me finished speaking first?"

Jaehyuk put his hands up mouthing a 'gomen~' and Asahi is just there staring at the two trying not to laugh.

"well.. if that's the case.. you better make sure to pay for the rent, cause if you don't i'll haunt you 진짜 !" Jeongwoo finally said. "yes i'll pay, any question about Asahi's cousin?" Jaehyuk said.

"as long as he's personality is nice i'm good. now i'm gonna leave you both and be on my room to sleep, bye~" Jeongwoo stands up and walks to his room before anyone can even speak.

"Jaehyuk he's doomed.." Asahi said to Jaehyuk. "yeah you're right." Jaehyuk said before looking again on each other and laughing there ass off. they knew Jeongwoo might suffer but who's gonna tell? no one :D

⌕ wrong number | hajeongwoo
≡ i did this instead of sleeping.
≡ thanks for reading the first chapter, i hope you like it! i wish i get to finish this story, if you know me i don't really finish my stories.

⩨_ orange by 7!!


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