Chapter 7

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Okay, so we're gonna pretend that Baatar Jr. forgave Kuvira, though I'm not sure he actually did.
(Yes, Kuvira's in this part🙂)
One more thing, I realized a mistake in the story after I published it, so if you read it before 6 a.m. CT May 19, you'll want to re-read it. (Sorry!)
    "Tenzin!" Korra shouted. "Bumi! Kya!" She had looked everywhere, but she couldn't seem to find them anywhere.

    "Korra?" She heard the weak voice of her Airbending Master and followed it, shouting his name as she went. She found the siblings lying on the ground next to each other and called for her friends to help.

    Back on Air Temple Island, Korra set Tenzin down next to his wife. So much had happened in the past few days that  Korra worried that it would never go back to normal. Things had started going bad after August left.
    Korra and Asami were walking down the street, trying to think of ways to find Jinora when they heard a voice they thought they'd never hear again.

    "Avatar Korra," the masked man in front of her said.

    "Amon?!" she exclaimed. She stepped in front of Asami protectively ready to fight the water bender when something crashed in the distance. There were screams and she heard the laugh of another person she never thought she'd see again.

    "Korra! Why is your crazy uncle here again?" Asami asked, grabbing her arm. She stared and managed to say, "I have no idea."

    It all went downhill from there. All of the villains that Korra had fought were back. Nothing made sense though.

    "Kuvira," Korra said, staring at the metal bender while in a defensive stance.

    "I know what you're thinking, Korra. But no, I'm not here to kill you. I want to help you." Kuvira had been acting strange ever since she came back from prison. People had been saying things about how she had been helping them and fighting against the other villains. Korra had never known whether or not to believe them until now.

    "Why would you want to do that?" the Avatar said accusingly.

    "Because I did what I did to restore order. This," she motioned to the rapidly decaying city around them, "is not order. It's chaos. It's destruction. It's evil."

    "There are some people who would consider you evil," Korra said, though she was inclined to believe her.

    "I know," She bowed her head, beginning to think the Avatar wouldn't trust her. "I am ashamed of my methods, but not my goal. I wish to help you restore order. Will you let me?"

    Korra contemplated this for a moment. Finally, she said, "I need to talk to my friends about this first."

    Kuvira nodded and followed the Avatar after she motioned for her to do so. The two of them walked into Korra's "base of operations" for this insane time.

    Inside were Asami, Bolin, Mako, and more of her friends. When they saw Kuvira, they immediately took defensive stances and all shouted for Korra to look out.

    "I brought her here," the Avatar said.

    "Are you crazy?" Asami said, exasperated. Korra hesitated, glancing back at Kuvira with uncertainty. "How do you know that she didn't just trick you to make you bring her here so she can report back to the other villains?"

    Korra looked at Kuvira again, not quite knowing what to think. The metal bender bowed her head and made to the Avatar's friends the same argument she made to her. That this was chaos and disorder but what she wanted was unity and order.

    "We need to talk about this for a minute," Asami said, taking Korra's hand and dragging her away to speak privately with her friends.

    "She makes a convincing argument, but that may just be her trying to manipulate us into believing her," Asami said.

    "I don't know," Bolin said. "I believe her."

    "You believe everyone Bolin," Mako said with annoyance. "But I have to admit, she sounds pretty genuine."

    "So we all agree?" Korra said. "We can trust her, at least for now?"

    "Well, that's not really trusting if you expect her to do something bad, but yeah, I guess we're going to have one more person on our side." Mako looked up at Kuvira as he finished speaking and the other three did the same. The metal bender didn't smirk, she didn't make any faces until Korra told her the decision. Even then, all she did was smile and thank them.

    Kuvira worked closely with the Beifongs in trying to defeat the enemy. But as time passed, it became more and more real to them all that this might be one fight they couldn't win.

    "Thank you!" Suyin said, breathless. Kuvira had just stopped a giant boulder that had been barreling towards her from above. Kuvira simply nodded in return.

    Republic City had been reduced to ruins. Buildings that used to tower above them now desecrated to no more than two stories tall. And those were the ones that still stood. Chunks of concrete littered the barely distinguishable streets, lamposts were bent, their bulbs smashed. Somewhere in the distance a broken radio could be heard, though the only thing that came through was static.

    Korra looked around. She had her arm around Asami, thanking the spirits she had survived this. It had been hours since anyone had seen Tenzin, Bumi, or Kya and everyone was searching high and low.

    When they finally found them, Korra didn't know quite how to feel. Should she be relieved that they were alive? Should she be regretful that they we're still in pain, especially Tenzin? Should she be angry with herself that she hadn't solved this yet?

    Sitting next to Pema, the master Airbender set his arm around her shoulders as his kids settled around him. All except Jinora.

    Kya sat near them with her mother who had come up from the Southern Water Tribe the moment she heard about her oldest grandaughter.

    The room they were in was circular and columns rose up all around them. Dying plants were bearly noticeable in the shadowy edges of the room as the only light came from the hole in the roof. The waxing moon above shone down on the family of benders and nonbenders scattered about, leaning against columns and each other.

    The Beifongs were there as well as Mako and Bolin. This might not have been Korra's family by blood, but it most certianly was by choice. It's a little broken, Korra thought as her eyes rested Kuvira who was leaning against Baatar Jr., holding his hand. But it's still good. Her eyes rested on the Airbenders and Waterbenders. And it's mine. She looked at Asami, asleep on her shoulder. On the other side of her was Mako, Bolin next to him.

    Korra noticed something in the corner of the room. It was a light that looked an awful lot like the spirit world. She narrowed her eyes and as the light grew, the others noticed too. Eventually, there was what seemed to be a section of the spirit world coming to them. But that wasn't the only thing that was crazy about it.

    That's when it all started to make sense to Korra. The reason not even the Shirshu could find Jinora was because the question shouldn't have been where did she go, but when.

    The Avatar stared up at Jinora hand-in-hand with Aang as they stood at the edge of the world.

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